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By: RAJESH.SINHA | Posted: May 09, 2013 | What I did today? | 1099 Views

What a wonderful day! I got blessed with sister for my daughter on 1st May 2013. Today, both Rashmi and the New born are healthy and doing good.(photo attached for both my daughters on 1st May itself at the Air Force Hospital,Kanpur)

Previous day my wife had labour pain and got admitted in the hospital at 12 night.I was not allowed to stay at the hospital due to the prevailing norms at the hospital!

Came back with worried mind.

Early in the morning, I was given the great news!

My mother in law also heard the news but she did not seem that happy and excited! However we did hurry and reached at the hospital in no time.

Rashmi came out at wheel chair with tears rolling down. It was indeed a re- birth for a lady going through such a painful experience. Hats off to all mothers of this world.

Punya, my daughter was in the school and was informed by me that she got her own sister! Later the same day she distributed sweets in her class with a great proud in her body language!

Rashmi and the new born headed for home the very next day as the delivery was normal one.

------------------------------------------------ End of Part I ----------------------------------------------------------------------

My neighbors kept pouring in to congratulate me. However, there was a common sentence from many of them``agar ek ladka ho jaata to achacha thaa!``

I was un-pleasantly surprised. I was so happy with this gift of God.The source of my surprise were all ladies with at least one boy child!

Among readers also, many must have gone through such a situation where you may be quite happy with some happening with you, but people around you may make you feel otherwise.

I put forward few very relevant frank and convincing points in favour of girl child. Sorry if it `hurts` anyone!

  1. Girl child start helping their parents right from their childhood for all internal house core activities.

  2. They are easier to rear up.

  3. They do not `irritate` their parents much.

  4. They are more studious and hard working.

  5. Even after marriage they are emotionally more attached to their parents.... always willing to come to the ailing parents and help them in real time.

  6. It is said that `Kanyadan` is the biggest `dan` of this world.

  7. Girls give more weightage to the pride of their parents and try always to make their parents proud with various activities.

  8. I feel coming years will give more importance to girl child and people are getting more sensitive about girl issue.

  9. Their is always `Kanya puja` each year formally.

  10. Societies have `soft` corners and probably have more respect for the parents who are rearing up only girl children.

I urge all the readers to put your views please on the topic raised. You may please add few more points with your experience.

I thank you.

Tags :
girl, Child
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