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By: RAJESH.SINHA | Posted: Mar 04, 2012 | What I did today? | 1264 Views (Updated Mar 04, 2012)

I have many friends from almost all walks of life from a Auto Rickshaw wala in Vizag to a Scientist in Chennai.

It`s a human tendency to compare you with your counterparts in the form of wealth and status.

I was also not an exception to it, after all me too a mortal like any other human being.

With careful analysis, I found that in terms of money I can hardly compete with many of my friends. But, I found that I can make myself much better OverallWellness wise.

I came to know Wellness is a broad concept. One may have abundance of money but poor health. Then he or she can not be said as Well because he is good at Financial Wellness but very poor at Physical Wellness.


Emotional Wellness deals with being less stressed on all time.

Spiritual Wellness deals with the health of the Spirit within.

Intellectual Wellness deal with mind as how much you are in control of it.

Social Wellness deals with developing ability to find abilities in others.

Cultural Wellness is being aware of one`s own cultural background as well as the diversity of richness present in other cultural backgrounds.

Environmental wellness is correct use of natural laws.

This concept attracted me a lot. I did Wellness course from IGNOU and got more and more emersed into it.

Physical wellness is a very vast subject. But being a Dietitian now, I would like to astonish you by saying that for last 32 days I have not taken plain water!!

It became possible because of putting myself into a law made by God not human being!

My daily diet is 80 percent Raw vegetable,Fruits, Nuts and seeds, sprouts and only 20 percent cooked food. My kitchen is almost Fire less and goes for full 5-6 months!

The history of cooking food is hardly 1000 years old and unfortunately the history of diseases which is so common today is also 1000 year old.

How I achieved the 32 days No water Feat?

The day starts with one glass Noni fruit juice.The Break fast includes all the raw vegetables like Carrot, Beetroot,radish, all fruits like grapes, dates, oranges, coconut etc. This, I keep munching throughout the day till 2 PM. So where I need water, as sufficient water is present in all these natural food. I go for normal urinals for 2-3 times till 2 PM.

The Lunch has more of Dal and vegetables and lesser chapati and Rice. After the Lunch is over little carrot or cucumber or radish. So, again I did not need water.

Evening again at around 5 PM I have one more round of raw veg and fruits.

The Dinner is completed before 8 like the Lunch. By 10 again I have few cucumbers, radish etc.

The result is a vibrant health and glowing skin with mind full of my control. Being 36, looking just.....???

I and my family is in full wellness system and hence our PREVENTIVE HEALTH INSURANCE IS DONE FREE OF COST FOR WHOLE LIFE.

Will you also like to try your hand into a superior life full of Wellness for you and your family because you love youself and your family.

Do share your experience with me as now your MSian is a Dietitian!!

I thank you

I love you.

Tags :
System, wellness
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