What can one do to really make the morning good?
Many traditions have specific prayers that should be chanted as soon as one wakes up, while others encourage sitting quietly and meditating for some time before one goes about their daily routine.
Chanakya suggests that one should awaken to the sound of musical instruments. This means that when a person wakes up listening to music, it sets the right mood.
Sleeping is very important for our body and mind. A good 7 to 8 hours of sleep is essential for an average person. If one sleeps early, and has had an undisturbed sleep, then walking up will be an easy task.
There are 2 types of alarm clocks one can use for waking up - the external clock and the internal alarm clock. Most of us are aware of the external alarm clock, which rings at a present time. But do we know about our internal alarm clock?
People who have control over their minds use this alarm clock as well to wake up. They are so disciplined that they instruct their mind, "Tomorrow morning, I want to wake up at 5 a.m. and you would be surprised to know that they wake up exactly at 5 a.m". Make to-do list at night for next day it is best for internal clock activation.
Choose your alarm tone very carefully. Choose something melodious, for example, an alarm tone that is inspired by nature, like the call of birds or the sound of wind.
It is not enough to just wake up in the right mood; one should also carry on in that cheerful mood all day long. Be the source of inspiration to others around you. When you feel good about yourself, you should make others feel good about themselves too. Greet others around you positively.
As the old saying goes,'The best make-up on your face is a smile.' This will help make sure that your'good morning' becomes a'good day'.
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wake, up, in, Morning, Tips, to, early, online, alarm, How, E, arly