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By: flyingelephant | Posted: Jun 05, 2008 | Truths | 1627 Views (Updated Jun 06, 2008)


It’s not important what you say. It’s important how you say it.

Because the consequences, most of the time are unexpected and beyond control.


The other day I was shocked, amazed and enlightened to see a hoarding on Mahim causeway junction, a hoarding advert on MTV roadies final show, 1 foot tall letters screaming “Dosti gaya d marane”.

Is there any better way to state that the cause of friendship is never bigger than any selfish interest?

A week later, I carried a camera to take the snap of the hoarding, but by then the TV show was over and the ad was removed.


See enclosed picture how a message can be massaged (or a massage can be messaged). The ad is taken from classified section of Mid Day. Don’t you think the ad is very attractive to serve its purpose, especially the ‘Oils provided’ part ?


Being explicit, blunt and direct, may convey the message alright, but it leaves a bad aftertaste. Truth is bitter.

Think. Before you speak.

Think twice. Before you write.

Ps: the words in the title literally means 'signifying result without intention' and ‘mental breakdown from too much boozing’. (See next photo)

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Say, it, without, saying
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