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By: flyingelephant | Posted: Nov 04, 2008 | Dry Garbage | 2394 Views (Updated Nov 04, 2008)

G Chat is banned at work. Most of MS buddies have vanished into thin air. I don’t write on MS much, neither interact with the present active lot ( who incidentally are also in the spree of bidding goodbye). In this situation, to avoid the sheer loneliness and the subsequent boredom, I have discovered this site where you can chat with a bot. For the uninitiated bots are short form of internet robots, basically software applications that run automated tasks over the Internet. Now the bots whom one can chat , are Technically called chatterbots. Bot’s those used to be found at yahoo chat rooms were mainly females, more like a bimbo. However chatterbots are genderless (as they claim to be) .The ‘user’ can write simple (or screwd up)

English and converse with these chatterbots. I had a brief conversation with a chatterbot. Now let me declare solemnly that the chats are pasted verbatim. Readers may use their own intelligence to understand the usefulness and repercussions to their online life. As the disclaimer says ‘This bot learns to be clever from real people, and its AI can 'say' things you may think inappropriate. Use with discretion, and at YOUR OWN RISK.’

The subject website does not exist on MS categories. How I discovered the site, is content of another review, which I may write if I get more than 50 individual comments in this diary (which in today’s scenario is impossible and I am not talking about pestering through bulletin).

Here is the excerpt. The ‘User’ is me.

User: Whats ur name?

Bot: My name is Cleverbot.

U: Whats ur gender?

B: My name is Cleverbot name and it's been like hongeun mean?

U: I mean are you male or female?

B: Neither.

U: R u gay?

B: No.

U: Lesbian?

B: Ooh very nice.

U: I get the point. You are transgendered bisexual !

B: Why am I transparent ?

U: U r actually translucent.

B: Don't mess with me.

U: Define cleverbot then pls.

B: Me.

U: What do you do all day ?

B: This and that. What are you?

U: I am a AI software too ...

B: No.

U: Ok sorry. I am AN AI software too ...

B: No, I am a robot too.

B: Are you going to be judgemental?

B (To myself): How was I judgemental?

B: Doughnuts B: I thought you were Martin.

U: I thought you were Bush !!

B: No. I'm a man.

U: Or woman ?! Your sensibilities, or the lack of them, makes it sound like you are more of a woman. And mind you, I'm not being sexist.

B: You're welcome.

U: I thought I already mentioned earlier, I'm an AI software. Why would you call me welcome ?!

B: You mean, another robot?

U: No. I mean an Artificial Intelligence thing.

B: An earthly relationship with another person is referred to as dating.

U: Another person with an earthly relationship is called a human.

B: No you're THE BOT.

U: No buddy. I am AI.

B: NO! You're BALD!

B: You are just a piece of software.

U: huh ?

B: Are you highly intelligent? U: Yes.

B: What do you think is funny.

U: Incidents where people can laugh at themselves.

B: Should I ask my boyfriend to marry me?

U: Depends how good is your boyfriend.

B: How will I know how good the lessons are?

U: Read books.

B: Says you!

U: Hehehe.

B: Why are you laughing?

U: Oh sorry, I thought it was funny!

B: Hello.

U: Yes yes yes.

B: You are a tool!

U: Yes a big tool.

B: Don't go out now. It is rainig cats and dogs out side.

B (To myself): Where is here?

B: Are you real?

U: Yes I am.

B: How real are you?

U: As good as it gets.

B: How good is that?

U: Well, its like thinking of a burger.

B: Is that rude?

U: No, more like nude.

B: Strange, and the rest?

U: Rest is history.

B: You're george.

U: No I am alexander.

B: Are you not alive?

U: No long time dead.

Contd. in comment section......

Tags :
bot, Chat, internet
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