With words full of choked emotions and a memory which remains vivid to the point of breakdown I write this from the bottom of my heart
The day he was born to the day he got cremated the period from cradle to grave was graver
There wasnt a single moment of poignancy which went unnoticed but then his face never reflected the intense worry that lay beneath
The diabetic blood never gave way to a painful evidence but then such is the travesty of fate that the fallen keep on falling in one way or the other
One who is great has greatness thrust on him and such was this man who always carried his worries on a smile and had a smile for his worries
This did not come easily when with an inch long needle thrust into his left arm for the dialysis to happen twice a week and a loss of a companion doing no better
Blood sugar fluctuations and bouts of unconsciousness and swirling eddies and a near blood clot which went berserk were all the manifestations of the tremendous fight for life
Survival of the fittest actually lost out to this man and then he will always remain with us in flesh and blood
Towards the agonising pain of seeing him in the precarious condition of not able to speak whence on the pyre and the effect of this on me
It is sad that we are born for birth is mortal and death immortal
We try to survive but we do not have an aim , for our destination is known yet we crave and feel depraved at all times
Comparison is the root cause of all evil; Money comes a close second
What happens to the soul and what happens to the dear departed, no one knows
Yet we live nay we prolong our lives whether on a ventilator or with chemotherapy ; undergoing spasms of pains and many an ache but we gather courage by the dozen just to be on this planet
We strive for every ounce of a second so that we may see, we may speak, we may breathe, we may enjoy, we may smile ,we may do so many good things in the unity of peace and happiness
Alas! There will never be an occasion whence the individual will be with us
D-a-d is D-e-a-d