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By: shubhen | Posted: Feb 06, 2011 | General | 521 Views

With due to respect to my avid fans and to the effervescent public at large

To the doyens of the industry with utter disregard to how they have become

I pay obeisance to the magnificent part of creation and survival called LIFE

Prima facie it is a good thing to be good but a horrid thing to be bad

But I have a different take on this.

From the Land of the Rising Scams truly declared as Incredible India I write to you national and international brethren from the bottomless pit of my heart

Ye Saali Zindagi, This F_ _ _ all Life, The F-art of living are all the choices I had for this fantastic article that I have penned

Say your prayers and the Lord will be pleased and you will be blessed

Respect your elders and don’t mind the way they traumatize you socially and that too in front of one and all and make you feel like a left over cabbage , wet and wild in the gutter

Do not spit out as the roads and walls are kept in such a spic and span condition by our taxed monies that the potholes are filled with roads and the writing is already there on the walls

Do not utter an expletive else you will be considered one of the “outline” guys

Do not look at a girl in which Adam looked at Eve else you will be considered unnatural and unfit for consumption in the societal space

Respect the uniformed personnel for the wonderful job they do on the public transport and the moral policing not to mentioned the many gangs they have captured albeit with less money

Do not go to a dance bar and spend on the desolate bodies that gyrate to the tunes of inane numbers and to the gun-points of many a toddler as the very existence of these dance bars is an abject tryst of destiny

Do not visit any known and unknown brothel which is of ill-repute for there are dime a dozen waiting in the wings for fame, money and glory

Spend on your dependents and their hospitalization and the Income Tax Team will hand pick you like an opulent strawberry out of knowhere and send you a non query or something four years hence

This is India and we are proud to be Indian citizens because we are not where are neighbours are and democracy still rules

The aping of the western “culture” has become so rampant that we have lost our own identity

…yet to be concluded

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