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By: evaluatress | Posted: Apr 26, 2010 | JLT | 638 Views

How much can you long for something to happen? How much can you trust your instincts? You end up with a thought in your head. The rubble your mind creates is not even close to what your heart manufactures. Thinking logically can never help you. You are emotional. Your mind tells you that. It also tells you that fate cannot be turned but you heart makes it change...again and again.

You can wait because your heart says it’ll happen. But how long should you wait? How long should you look at the stars? Your eyes are weak and the stars are dim. Not one breaks while you look. But your heart says it will drop the next time you look up. So you look for something to get a sign.

Happy are those who get things without yearning. You have plenty too, just need a little more. Some things are so easy, then why do you have to wait long for them? You know the end is going to be good. But the end is so far and you are getting tired. You now want to reach the end soon. But you wait and take a slow step because you know you have your heart to change your show the sign.

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