Well, it's completely true. Just a few books can change anyone's life. Man is a matter of what he thinks and his attitude. BOoks can change his mind and his attitude and therby change the him completely.
The first book is "THE MAGIC OF THINKING BIG." David J. Schwartz. This is one of the fantastic books which can change your complete thinking process and change your attitude once you complete it.
Alchemist - Paelo Colelho(It's about how you try and find what you dream about in life)
Discover Your Destiny - Robin Sharma
The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
Rich Dad Poor Dad
Many Lives Many Masters - Dr. Brian Weiss (This is somewhat phychological, spiritual and yet interesting).
I will write about all of them one by one in my next diary pages.
Tags :
books, alchemist, the, monk, who, sold, his, ferrari, rich, dad, poor, Many, lives, Masters, discove