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Member Since:Sep 12, 2009
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You call this customer service
Reviewed Dish TV
The problem I applied for a multi TV connection 2 months back in June. Before taking the connection I talked to the customtakeouter care guys who told me to Read more...
XTEES Worst T shirts you can get
Reviewed Xtees
I ordered 2 tshirts from this company. It never arrived in time I wrote 2 mails. The first one was never replied. The 2nd one got a reply-"It takes 10 businRead more...
Does Dell really provide excellent service?
Reviewed Dell
Does Dell really provide excellent customer service? Dell Laptop Battery * *On 6th May I ordered for a 6 cell laptop batteryfor my Inspiron 1525. I paid Rs.Read more...
Why Companies like Meru WIll Fail
Reviewed Meru Cabs
Previously, I had a good image of Meru with the brightly colored vehicles and drivers with uniforms. But when you experience it, then only you come to know thRead more...
Good Restaurant
Reviewed The Grand Taj - Shivaji Nagar - Bangalore
The Grand Taj on Lady Curzon Road (I don think it has got to do anything with the BIG TAJ group) is a small and not so flashy restaurant. But the food aRead more...
Worst service from TITAN EYE+-- Avoid TATA
Reviewed Titan Sunglasses
HAS TATA BECOME A GOVT. ENTERPRISE?.Avoid TATA This is the second such incidence with TATA(after Tata Indicom Photon+). I ordered a pair of spectacles for mRead more...
Worst Service
Reviewed Tata Indicom
I got one TATA Indicom Photon Plus connection. A few facts - They say the speed is 3.1 MBPS but actually you get only 300 KPBS which is 1/10 of the claimed sRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
I am switching to Airtel
@bharatnegandhi... this is nothing...ask any Tata Indigo owner...they will tell how rubbish a car it is...avoid all Tata product...don't go by slogans like ''Use SWADESHi- buy TATA etc.''
SImply lodge a consumer court complaint...You will find it with all TATA enterprises.
Commented on subhadip.kumar's review
They are so despaerate that they spam all people they can get the email of. Worst quality products. I experienced them myself. His messages are enough to tell about him and the company. Thank you for the review.
Rated on subhadip.kumar's review
Commented on modemnoise's review
I agree. I bought 2 t shirts from them...they got my email...now even after unsubscribing I regularly get mails from Pooja@xtees.com- when I asked them to stop...they sent a reply.....**ck, ****ard and all those T-Shirt Quality- WORST-rather buy it from the footpath
Rated on modemnoise's review
All Tata brands including Titan and Tata Indicom (Photon) are having customer service issues + problematic product issues. I have written another review about Tata Indicom Photon Plus. worst. Isn't actually biggies like TATA are chaeting us. I am waiting to see reviews of Tanisqu and Tata Nano Read More...
Well this was not the first case with me. Last time when I booked it from the airport I got a driver who was not curt enough to meet the standard of general courtesy....I am not writing the review from just one incidence.
Commented on ravidesai14's review
The word 'professional' does not fit here, otherwise Psychos will not get into Meru. Read my review to find out why I am avoiding it in future.
Rated on ravidesai14's review
Commented on Salomibgl's review
Thanks for sharing. May be I will book Easy cab or others next time.
Rated on Salomibgl's review
Commented on chaithra.sunil's review
It's not at all reliable. Thanks for sharing. It will help us to avoid problems.
Rated on chaithra.sunil's review
Commented on own article
Hi Sam Sam, Sure, they are coming soon. I am sure you will read the books after you read the reviews.
Few Books Can Change Your Life
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KamalHindujaAuthor (@KamalHindujaAuthorMouthShut Verified Member)
Anas Shaikh (@anass4581MouthShut Verified Member)
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Oga Amos (@Az104MouthShut Verified Member)
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MAfan (@MAfanMouthShut Verified Member)