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By: WHITEROSE | Posted: Jan 02, 2014 | General | 599 Views

I'm going to ask an absurd question…

how many of you like to shop? How many of us swear by retail therapy?

hmm… Guess if this was the example given to us while our teachers taught us rhetoric question [figure of speech] we would have understood it on first go! Well never too late for some teachers who may [by their luck] stumble upon this diary entry of mine.

Btw… from what I remember… this particular section on MS was earlier called Diary and now following the trend Blog… correct?

hmm… moving on to what I was saying… "sale period is here!"

It was once. a once in a blue moon affair. These days stores are on sale most of the time…

Starts with the UPTOs and BUY THIS GET THIS offers and goes on to the various slabs of FLAT DISCOUNTS and it doesn't end there coz then they have CLEARANCE time too…

So from my observance… may be the months u have sale are Jan, Feb, April, May, August, October, Nov, Dec…

The prices of things have shot up coz of taxes or coz probably the companies also have understood the mindset of shoppers… sale means discount and unintentionally we go shop more than we intend to…

We lie to ourselves: "I am going to shop in this season's sale and then not for the entire year",

"I really wanted this and this deal was attractive",

"I was waiting for this only",

"This was certainly planned [apart from just these 10 basic tees and 5 must-have dresses and oh well I waited for this bathroom set for so long]… and many more…

Friends who have traveled abroad will have another story to tell you.

"Sales abroad are genuine… sales in India are deceptive."


  1. What's on sale once never comes back in fresh.

  2. What you see here now, was last season stuff abroad.

  3. What was 2K abroad in fresh, 1K in sale and 750 bucks in clearance… is 4K in India in fresh! taxes? so much? hmm…

  4. If you buy something in fresh and it comes on discount within a stipulated period of time then u get the remainder money back… with no questions asked… here we are left on our luck!

  5. Quality deteriorates when it enters India of the same brand.

Many more like these…

And when it comes to Indian origins itself… they mark their price up too. may be to match up with the foreign brands…!

It's like they don't catch our ears directly, they take a detour… so earlier we thought [for people who think] this thing is 2K it is expensive now when we see the same thing for 2K coz now it is 2k after discounts we say oh wow what a deal and oh yes! things have become expensive! This a right choice to make! And we step in the trap ourselves… [as if we innocent shoppers have a choice!]

OK… so now that I have said all the sensible stuff [something which all of us know already] let me get back to shopping…

So… what is your shopping style?

For many things I like to try new things but I believe each one must have one thing in each category that he/she knows is good or of his/her liking or taste. That really helps in many situations… situations where your heart doesn't agree with ur mind and mind doesn't agree with your heart… lol… so that's probably a tip from my side!

I know today's blog went a lil too boring… I myself felt like oh just forget about it, let me delete and go to sleep. but remember what I wrote yesterday? Complete what you start! Ye go ahead and read my yesterday's blog and may be I didn't say it… lol…

Alright enough of non sense for today!

Safe time to say boring stuff coz tomatoes are too expensive to be thrown n wasted!

Good night;)

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