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By: WHITEROSE | Posted: Jan 01, 2014 | General | 696 Views (Updated Jan 01, 2014)

Hey guys! how are you?

It's been a while I have posted here and today after I received an email from MS, I thought aaha I miss writing here, esp. coz all the comments n likes or dislikes… all that really is cool!

So all I want to say today is… HAPPY NEW YEAR! haha…

Beside that… I'm not really a resolution on every start of the year person. I believe one should not wait for Jan 1st every year to start something nice… but oh well I still am telling everyone and so will tell you… that may be the resolution I have taken up this year is to drink at least 2 litres of water daily! It is so important we all know from the day we are born but for people like me it takes a bit of a health alert! So yeah… H2O!

Other than that I really feel we should for a change try to be a lil selfish. Not selfish-selfish that you go blind on the needy but something like… give your own self importance! Something on the lines of "charity begins at home".

Try having one whole bar of chocolate without sharing! Try finishing the task you have started without getting up just coz someone called you! Try saying exactly what you mean than thinking too much, analysing the situation n people around so much that u forget who u are! What is your opinion. So what if you haven't bee successful in life the way you dreamt of or the way people expected out of you! Sh*t [oopz for someone who does't abuse at all, MS saying BAD WORDS USED on this word was. overwhelming;)] happens and it happens with most of us! So for once… may be like a "new year's resolution" TRY LISTENING TO YOUR OWN HEART, your own desires n wishes!

You have killed many of them on name of being sane, mature or even big-hearted! Oh I say be a little mean this year and try making your own self happy! Let the joy overflow out of you and spread than you giving your own joy on grounds of morals of whatever we have learnt in books of goodness n kindness! Once the jar is full, it will overflow… and go to others! All you do is attain peace, happiness and love for yourself! And raise the level so much that it radiates out of you.

I don't know how many of you have experienced being smashed right in face for being genuinely good n nice… to all those people… I urge… for once be good n nice to yourself!

I read a very nice line somewhere and I would like to end today's blog with it… I donno if it goes with what I have written or not but oh well… my blog… my wish! lol

Earlier I would enter a party and worry who will like me… but now I enter a party and hope that I would like someone! [It was something like this]

What I mean is make your own identity, live for yourself, be happy coz only a happy person can make someone else genuinely happy coz a loved one wouldn't like to hear that he/she is been kept happy on a gigantic mountain of sacrifice.

All I'm trying to say is just eat the entire bar of chocolate all by yourself sometimes for a change! Grab it, eat it full and aaha enjoy it! Love yourself!

I think if there was an option "throw tomatoes" instead of like or dislike… I would be expecting a stock for the entire year!;)

"Like I care" lol

Wish you a great new year and may this be the beginning of your dream life!

God bless:):D

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