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By: megs.4u | Posted: May 09, 2008 | General | 689 Views (Updated May 09, 2008)

Coffee is what I need right now! To wake me from the slumber…to get me going for a tiring long day…to remind me of sins and of thoughts!

But not all coffees or drinks stir the same emotions…like not all MS meets stir the same emotions…! Off topic again :-) Emotions and MS meets will be discussed…later!

Coming back to the topic…

A cool cup of cold coffee…reminds me of the happy-go-lucky times…when the world was restricted to school homework, teacher’s assignments and evening playing hours! It also reminds me of my twin-sister at MS :-) someone who is as chilled out as one should be…reminding me of the goodness that still exist…somewhere!

Cappuccino…this is a bland flavour cuppa which is taken under much stressed, high pressure, and boring times! Best taken with mean office colleagues, dreary dates and highly intellectual, brainy and worthless people J Who it reminds me on MS…someone who thinks very highly of his/her self but lacks substance! I once had a very bad cuppa at Mc Donalds…but then somehow the company didn’t give me bitter memories!

Iced tea…my favourite nowadays since it reminds me of silly pleasures of life! Sparkling chilled glass with a dash of plum/lemon/mint…since I am not a tea drinker, this is my way of joining the ever reducing tea drinkers’ community ;-) I have had my best iced tea dates with the most non iced personalities…both off and on MS!


The best cuppa is still the freshly stirred cup of instant coffee which I think is famously made somewhere in Mulund ;-) I believe it is a hot favourite when one wants to just sit back and relax…and savour the freshness…the aroma and the sins! This is my reminiscence of inane times, of guilty pleasures…of just being with a friend~

Thoughts and more thoughts…! Can someone get me my cuppa please?

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