Tolerance is a dying virtue...and I am a victim of that...for last few days, my patience and tolerance level has literally gone down the drains...I have become snappy...I overreact and sometimes I do not react! I need help!!!
But then a lot of people around me are still the champions of this cause...and they are doing a hell of a task by being one!
Ask a boutique designer or a ladies tailor...the amount of time one takes to decide on a neck design, to the length of the suit to the say it and the poor guys do it! Each design has to fit in even if the shape of the owner isnt..each dress mandatory to be a dress which needs to be stitiched on high priority since there is a wedding, function, conference, holiday etc approaching! Hail to these tolerant species specially men who take it on the task of satisfying a woman...each time!
Height of tolerance: 8+ They chose to ignore bitchiness, laugh at old-several-times jokes and praise...all at the right time! No wonder they get exclusive rights to be touchy when they want to...strictly on professional basis!
The second nearly extinct species is the local doctor...He/She is a man of few words...a patient in the literal sense...because he listens to stories revolving office, work, roads, deadlines, spouses, children, luck, etc etc...and if the queue isnt long...then only god save you! May be 'doc' can throw more light on whether there is a must-pass exam for docs in tolerance and patience? Surprising is instances when these patients become impatient! My doc is not a surprising variety...he has time to cater to world's problems, discuss the pros n cons of anything to everything and has a ready advice...always!
Heights of toleance: 7+ They are people who are taught to listen...I m sure professionally it sounds fine but I wonder what happens when they want a shoulder to cry on...when they need someone to just listen to them! The bright side of being a doc is no matter how much sciences we have studied or claim to remember...when a doc speaks...the patient patiently has to listen!
End- In case u r wondering on what this was all about...well I have been advised to take rest at home...reason- I have developed allergy...'intolerance' to air! Now can you beat that!!!