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By: rajvananu | Posted: Oct 29, 2010 | Just " THOUGHTS " | 284 Views

Sometimes , "Giving up" is the best solution to a problem. Hey hey.wait .........some people or rather many would disagree about this. But , my experience says , It works quiet well in some difficult situations that one faces in life.

One should be optimistic............... , one should be positive ................... , one should respect this God's given life............I agree to this fully ..but don't you think there are times when all of this falls short and nothing seems to work in favour of yours.....there is no logic that's left......your brain stops providing you ideas ........your heart is feeling the pain...... . Knowing the situation that one is in one keeps trying to get out of it but sometimes it is not your destined to be.............

In those situations , I guess the best way is to give up and let the time pass. I can't say . How difficult or easy this is to do but certainly ,it is one of the many solutions to a problem. I have tried it many times and you better should............

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