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Member Since:May 05, 2008
0 MS Points
I am a capricorn, very logical and too..... emotional. To be honest , I don't find many with a good style and sense of HUMOUR. Movies Playing traveling , making friends. Observing
About Me
Food and Drinks: Could be anythingBooks: Business , Gadget magazinesMovie Stars: Dharmendra, AkshayMovies: Sholay, Many more........................T.V. Shows: Should have a sense of humour Music: Sad onesQuotes: You are as good as your state of mind.
Food and Drinks: Could be anything
Books: Business , Gadget magazines
Movie Stars: Dharmendra, Akshay
Movies: Sholay, Many more........................
T.V. Shows: Should have a sense of humour
Music: Sad ones
Quotes: You are as good as your state of mind.
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Reviewed Apple iPhone
First thing first, No matter , nothing, I can tell u one thing , u gotta have this phone and have it now. Hey guys, It has been four months that I am using Read more...
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Swift Dzire
Please do comment on this. Its been around 15 months and 24, 000 kms , the maruti dezire car (DEISEL VARIANT-LDI) is doing **quite well.. One thing , IRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on chiragms786's article
Good...... Ya right my friend (Impulsive) .....It is very good . I guess there are three things that are impossible to understand and have no set pattern ........ LIFE ....... LOVE .......& LADY .......?????????? and lots of tears come with them............
Two Drops Of Tears :(((
Sometimes , "Giving up" is the best solution to a problem. Hey hey.wait .........some people or rather many would disagree about this. But , my experience says , It works quiet well in some difficult situations that one faces in life. One should be optimistic............... , one should be positive Read more...
Commented on chvravikiran's article
I can help Hi, As far as LED TV's are concerned ,I think there is no problem in buying Samsung as they are making a very good quality as far as Led pannel is concerned an have a very good share in the market too. If you are looking at a 32 or a 40 inch size you can also see sony bravia serie Read More...
Need pointers for LED Tv
I guess the most unpredictable is "LIFE". I have always felt that everyone and everything follows a pattern and this is logically correct too. A good thing follows a pattern of doing good , A bad thing follows a pattern of doing bad etc. But "LIFE" follows no pattern at all. I dont want to be Read more...
Commented on b1unt_reviewsonly's article
Good one That's a good one.........
Why GOD Allows Pain
oh! Women How do you understand them ????????? I have always felt that there is only one thing in this whole world which has no pattern and that is this god's given ''LIFE''. But these women ???????????????
A Woman's brain
Good......... It would be great if everybody does a ''DONKEY''........ and then we all will have a choice / solution ///////////
Rated on vsara's review
Commented on chatpati's article
Kya baat hai Good one. You have described so many parallel profiles of people. You have a style of your own in writing your ’DIARIES’.
What’s Your PERSONALITY Type?
You know quite a lot I hope people read this and try to change whatever is necessary . For me the ultimate control is in your mind or rather your 'state of mind'.
How To Overcome DEPRESSION
Followed chatpati
Rated on arcadian's review
Commented on arcadian's review
So you already know the resale value of the car. That's a smart boy.
Commented on oliviavilims's article
A girl and her mobile Hi, I just saw your posting about mobile phone.I have not seen any girl having so much information about this.It is a great thing to know that you know so much. Thanks for the information Rajeev Rajeev
Latest Mobile Phones with Free PS3
Followed oliviavilims
Commented on Raj_onlyone's article
Hello This should be the spirit. Keep it up.
Why me.... Or .........Try me .... ???
Commented on Cindy's article
Hi, Rightly said,but you know all this keeps happening in our country.People say nothing can be done now as the things are already worse.If things are worse today, can you think what is coming for us in the near future.We have to do somthing very seriously.
What is happening?
Followed vinoji2003 , pachrangi , Cindy
Rated on envyram's review
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Punyaslok Dash (@poo33418MouthShut Verified Member)
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Ownergy Co (@Digital_ReviewerMouthShut Verified Member)
Vikrant Acharya (@Livspace_officialMouthShut Verified Member)
Nirali Potdar (@nimipotdar1995MouthShut Verified Member)
cryptoguru (@cryptoguruMouthShut Verified Member)
Pravash Pujari (@pravashpujariMouthShut Verified Member)
Ananta Kr. Roy (@krinnovateMouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 3
Erling Haaland (@haalanderling792MouthShut Verified Member)