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By: SRNAIR | Posted: Jun 16, 2010 | General | 713 Views (Updated Jun 16, 2010)


God liberates the soul of man

While religious edicts emasculate!

Between what God intends

And the interpretation of His Word

By self styled Pharisees and Sadducees,

The exalted members of the cloth

To whom you have given power

Over yourselves in ignorance

And a foolish superstitious dread,

Lies a yawning deceitful gap!

Awaken and be fully aware

That your sins are not yours

But programmed ideas handed down

From hoary ancestors with pea-sized brains

To whom you gave the right to dictate terms

That mean nothing of significance!

Your sins were forgiven long hence

And you don’t want a capon-pastor

To prick your conscience to part with your pelf

In reparation of supposed “transgressions”.

He alone is your Master who gave you life

And guides your destiny as your creator.

Human agencies are fallible and motivated

To their own gain, advantage and existence!

True wisdom is in thinking straight,

Disembodying from your own self,

Knowing who you are, analyzing issues.

You have a right to be your own master

And not be a prey to wolfish charlatans

That exploit the gullible, humble sheep.

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