Life, when we talk about life we all want to be successful in life but the success is the only thing which we want-definitely no, success is important but one cannot ignore other things. And one of them is our ‘health’. Yes, without being healthy one cannot able to achieve anything in his/her life. Now, the question is- how can we make over selves healthy, and the simple answer to this question is, there are lot many things by which you can make yourself healthy and these are-
By indulging yourself in sports.
Doing Yoga.
Cycling. etc.
In this article we’ll take a view how yoga can make you healthy. Yoga is one of the ancient forms of exercise which had been practiced for about 1000 years it is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines which originated in ancient India. Yoga is very beneficial for all of us because it consist of that kind of exercise which helps to strengthen your core immunity. Let’s see some of the importance of Yoga…
- All-round fitness: You are truly healthy when you are not just physically fit but also mentally and emotionally balanced. As Sri Sri Ravi Shankar puts it, “Health is not a mere absence of disease. It is a dynamic expression of life – in terms of how joyful, loving and enthusiastic you are.” This is where yoga helps: postures, pranayama(breathing techniques) and meditation are a holistic fitness package.
This is where yoga helps: postures, pranayama(breathing techniques) and meditation are a holistic fitness package. The benefits accrued by being a regular practitioner are numerous. Some very discernible ones are:
• Improves health
• Gives mental strength
• Increases physical power
• Protection against injury
• Detoxifies the body
Weight loss: What many want! Yoga benefits here too. Sun Salutations and Kapal Bhati, pranayama are some ways which helps one to lose weight. Moreover, with regular practice of yoga, we tend to become more sensitive to the kind of food our body asks for and when. This can also help keep a check on weight.
Stress relief: A few minutes of yoga during the day can be a great way to get rid of stress that accumulates daily - in both the body and mind. Yoga postures, pranayama and meditation are effective techniques to release stress. You can also experience how yoga helps detox the body and de-stress the mind.
Inner peace: We all love to visit peaceful, serene spots, rich in natural beauty. Little do we realize that peace can be found right within us and we can take a mini-vacation to experience this any time of the day! Benefit from a small holiday every day with yoga and meditation. Yoga is also one of the best ways to calm a disturbed mind.
Improved immunity: Our system is a seamless blend of the body, mind and spirit. An irregularity in the body affects the mind and similarly unpleasantness or restlessness in the mind can manifest as an ailment in the body. Yoga poses massage organs and strengthens muscles; breathing techniques and meditation release stress and improves immunity.
Living with greater awareness: The mind is constantly involved in activity – swinging from the past to the future – but never staying in the present. By simply being aware of this tendency of the mind, we can actually save ourselves from getting stressed or worked up and relax the mind. Yoga and pranayama help create that awareness and bring the mind back to the present moment, where it can stay happy and focused.
So, try to take out some of your precious time and give a new way to your life. As there is old saying also “a healthy mind prevails in the healthy body”. So in order to do what you want to do- start indulging yourself in those activities which make you fit and healthy.