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By: dr02021998dr | Posted: Oct 30, 2016 | General | 339 Views

Let’s make this Diwali cracker-free. Our family has done that for the past few years and our celebrations are just as good in fact better. Here are a few reasons why you should go cracker-free too

Diwali is a festival of LIGHTS, not crackers!

They are bloody expensive. Yeah I know you have loads of money but you can put it to better use. Trust me!

The air pollution rates are the highest during Diwali. Crackers release a lot of toxic gases like Sulfur dioxide and Nitrogen dioxide which can lead to many health problems which I will not elaborate here.

Not observing precautions may lead to burns and accidents.

Most crackers are made using child-labour and workers working in dangerous and deplorable conditions. You are encouraging all of this by buying those crackers.

Animals are more susceptible to noise than humans. Today we saw some cows running on the road as the kids near-by happily burst crackers. This incident actually prompted this post. This applies to your pet dogs as well.

Spare some thought for the elderly and the sick. The loud noise from crackers may trigger heart attack in those who have angina(chest pain due to reduced blood supply in the coronary arteries). The sudden shock of a loud blast may shoot up the blood pressure of those with hypertension(high blood pressure) and this may even precipitate stroke. No I am not making this up. This comes from a reliable source.

Even for the healthy ones, excess noise increases stress. I remember my Diwali in Mumbai when I had to work on an important project. I just couldn’t sleep during the nights coz people kept bursting crackers up to 2 am in the morning and started as early as 4 am. This in spite of the restrictions.

Have fun, food, wear new clothes, exchange gifts and shower love to near and dear ones and stay away from crackers.

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