2 become a better U,U've 2 stop listening 2 wrong voices.
When I walk off the Podium after giving a lecture,the first thought that comes 2 my mind is,"Javeed,that lecture wasn't good enough 2day.Nobody got anything out of this session.U practically put them all 2 sleep."
All of us have a little voice inside that gives us direction in our lives.It tells us small things like when V are driving,"Slow down.There’s a speed breaker ahead & U know that means U’ll get hit the bump."U know when U're about 2 turn a corner but U get the feeling that U should go a different direction?Or, when U plan on leaving at a certain time only it seems that maybe later would be better?I've had those situations & found that I made the right choice going with my gut feeling. But will that work always?
When it is something so small,V tend 2 automatically listen & obey.But,when V have other people’s voices trying 2 drown out our own,it’s not so easy 2 listen.We begin 2 doubt ourselves:"Maybe they are right & I am wrong.Maybe I should do what they say."Sometimes when I'm trying hard 2 accomplish something & I get blocked,I try 2 calm down & see that maybe what I wanted was not really part of the actual plan.And often later I see how things all worked out better than the way I had planned it.I am really guilty of this myself,but more & more I have become habituated 2 listening 2 my own voice, no matter how tiny the sound.Over a period of time,I have learned 2 shake these thoughts off.I turn it around & say"No,I believe it was not bad,But good!I did My Best.I know that at least one person from the whole bunch must have really got something worth while out of this session.I did"
Many have said Success is in Ur mind.Tell Urself U're successful,believe it & U can change the course of Ur life.Stop listening 2 the voice that says, "I can't.I don't deserve it.I'm not good enough".Most people were programmed 2 have low self-esteem;successful ones overcome it.Many a times the things V know V should do,We Don’t Do.The Things V Know V should not do V end up doing them.Every1 of us struggle in our day 2 day life fighting these acts.That does not stop me from doing things nor does it disqualify me merely because I don’t perform perfectly 100% all the time.I do wish I do, & I constantly strive 4 doing better than the last session.Sometimes these voices try 2 fool U into believing they are really Ur only friend.They will convince U that U cannot live without them.They will promise U that wonderful things will happen,but only if U listen 2 them.
I don’t do something wrong on purpose,but like anyone else,I do have weakness.Sometimes I Make Mistakes or wrong Choices,but I have learned not 2 beat myself up over such things.I don’t wallow in condemnation;I refuse 2 listen 2 the accusing voices that come from deep inside me.I know I am still working on the sessions,that I am going 2 grow learning & becoming a better me.I have made up my mind that I am not going 2 live condemned during the process.
As long as U do the Job sincerely & proceeding in the right direction,U can move forward with confidence & be pleased with the outcome.U can always identify the wants in which U are tempted 2 believe those accusing voices.R these in relationships,in the work U do or certain habits that U need 2 break off?Always remember U are a worthy human & there are great many things in store 4 U.In order that all of us may be taught 2 speak truth, it is necessary that all likewise should learn 2 heart it 2.
U need 2 break into that -ve dialogue V hear constantly.We need 2 hear more good things about ourselves.We need 2 point out the +ve things & stop focusing on the -ves.Listen 2,what those voices are saying & help 2 see that the voices are wrong & only lying.We may not believe any +ve things about ourselves in the beginning,but the more V hear it,the more likely 2 start listening 2 what U say.And slowly develop a will 2 fight those voices. It takes a long time 2 destroy those voices,but it can be done.It is important 4 every1 suffering 2 know that they do have a choice about whether or not 2 listen 2 those voices.No matter what they say,U do not have 2 listen 2 them.Remember that they only lie 2 U & so U can go against them. The more U do that,the weaker they become.It is not easy 2 go against those voices,but U do have the power within Urself 2 do it.U will not always succeed in going against them,but remain determined not 2 let them win.U will be able 2 silence those voices 4ever.
Some1 aptly said,“Most of the shadows of this life are caused by our standing in our own sunshine".I may not be prefect,but I am growing.I may have made mistakes,I am learning not 2 repeat them,this is a New Day.I am not going 2 look back,I am looking forward. Learn 2 Pickup Urself Up,"I did the Best I could at the time,I've learnt;I'am Wiser;I've Moved on"
Tags :
Inner, voices, good, bad, decisions, gut, feeling