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By: iamindiamenon | Posted: May 03, 2010 | creativity | 624 Views

Came across this joke on the Internet..

Brezhnev at his speech

(The following is supposedly a true story.)

Brezhnev, a former ruler of Russia, was thought not to be too bright. He comes to address a big Communist party meeting, and starts:

"Dear Comrade Imperialists,"

The whole hall perked up - "what did he say??" Brezhnev tried again...

"Dear Comrade Imperialists,"

Well, by now the hall was in pandemonium - was he trying to call them Imperialists? Then, an advisor walked over to the podium and pointed to the speech for Brezhnev. "Oh..." he muttered, and started again:

"Dear Comrades, Imperialists are everywhere."

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