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By: mutter-3 | Posted: May 06, 2009 | General | 611 Views (Updated May 06, 2009)

Love is wonderful in so many ways; to describe it in one journal would be doing injustice to the concept of love. Following is a passage from the Holy Bible, 1 Corinthians 13: 4 – 7:

4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”

This passage describes nicely how wonderful love can be. These are really only a few things of what makes love so wonderful.

As stated in the scripture above, love is patient and kind. An example of patient love is the love of a mother for her child; very often children have to be told the same things over and over again, despite this, the average mother will go on loving her child just as much. Kindness and patience often go hand in hand, showing patience is, in essence, also showing kindness. Most acts of kindness are acts of love. An act of kindness can be as small as opening a door for someone, or as big as donating a large sum of money to a worthy cause. On the more intimate side of love an act of kindness could be going out of your way to please the person you love.

More wonderful aspects of love are that love is not envious, boastful, or proud. What does this really mean? It could be translated as love being happy for the achievements of another person, and if you have played a part in helping the person make this achievement you do not boast or be proud about it. In today’s world, really putting this to practice can be very hard, but it really is a wonderful way to show sincere love for someone.

Love is not rude or self-seeking. Being rude to a person is not showing love, and love is not rude, to the contrary, love is filled with kindness. It is this kindness that also encompasses the fact that love is not self-seeking. Love will make sure that the loved one is treated well and be willing to sacrifice self in the process. If it takes giving certain things up, for the comfort and joy of another, this is showing non self-seeking love.

The beauty of love can also be expressed in how we react to others. Love is not easily angered and love does not record wrongs. This concept brings us back to the fact that love is patient; getting angry easily and holding grudges against someone, are not virtues of wonderful love. When it comes down to it this is quite difficult for us human’s to really do.

Another wonderful thing about love is that it does not rejoice in evil but in truth. This could also be translated as: love is not happy about someone’s unsuccessfulness, to the contrary love will be happy about somebody being successful. There are many other ways that this concept can be put to practice.

What else does love do that makes it so wonderful? Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres. This love is again very well depicted by a mother’s love for her children. A mother instinctively is protective of her beloved child, she trusts her child time and again, even when mistakes happen, she always hopes the best will come of her child, and her love stands the tests of time.

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