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By: desiprincess | Posted: Mar 08, 2013 | Power of Love! | 700 Views (Updated Mar 08, 2013)

This is a fictional piece by the given author

Fallen Angel

Jeena had gotten out of a cold and bitter divorce. The last words she heard him angrily mutter were "this marriage was over many years ago." She had been in denial the whole time and tried her best to hold the fragile pieces together. But trying to fix a broken relationship is like trying to fix a shattered mirror.

She had fallen into a deep depression and kept to herself for hours at end. She shut the world out as she felt strickened by anger, sorrow, fear, abandonment, and rejection. She quit her job and spent day in and day out in total loneliness and isolation.

The "black cloud" of negative feelings and emotions were taking a major toll on her own well being and not doing her any good. She was getting tired and bored of such a mundane routine. She then decided she needed to make some drastic changes and get back into doing things like she did before.

Better Days

She began cooking, gardening, painting and writing like old times. It was invigorating and added a splash of sunshine to her mood. Each day brought on more happiness and made a dead soul feel alive again.

She had luck on her side as she started a new job and a new life. A fresh start and clean slate. Jeena was transforming herself into a beautiful mature woman who was independent, strong, and remarkably bold. Nothing could stop her now.

Bridge of Friendship

It had been a while since Jeena had seen her friends. She received a voicemail message from a good friend, Tanya: "Hi Jeena! It has been so long since we have seen you. You have to join us for dinner. It will be a girls night out!"

She was somewhat hesitant to accept the offer. Most of her friends were either happily married or in serious relationships. She thought she would feel out of place and a burden to the rest of the group. But something inside her decided to say yes. She was missing her friends terribly and there was a lot of catching up to do.

Advice in the Darkest Hour

Jeena needed some expert advice. She hadn't really discussed in detail what had happened with her failed marriage with anyone. She decided to see a therapist so she could get some answers to her unresolved questions. The session went something like this:

"Hello Jeena. What brings you in today?"

"I got out of bad divorce a while back. I just had some questions in mind. I felt like I was cheated in a cruel and hurtful way."

"What exactly happened in your marriage? What caused it to come to a complete halt?

"On the outside, we seemed like a happy couple. A couple which was in love. But on the inside, we were dying. I know marriages can end for various reasons. Our marriage didn't end due to infidelity, abuse, or inconceivable differences. It ended because we grew apart and a broken love couldn't be repaired. The damage was just too great. My fate was sealed with such a big disappointment. I always believed marriage would be forever. But life had other plans. Sometimes I wasn't sure if he was seeing someone else or not. I did my best to satisfy his every expectation. I would dress good for him. I would cook, clean and work. I didn't like getting into fights so I wouldn't say much. I tried to be as nice as I possibly could be. I just don't understand where I went wrong. What did I do wrong doctor? What did I do wrong?"

Tears were swelling up in Jeena's eyes.

"You aren't to blame Jeena. Blaming yourself for what happened is the worst thing you can do. You gave it your best shot. But sometimes couples "fall out of love." I know we all like to think that true love will last forever and never die. I know you believe in commitment and compassion. But your ex-husband decided to take a different route. You can't make a relationship work with just one side. You have to have both sides to the equation. I feel what's done is done. I would suggest you take time to heal in the best way you can. I will also help you with that. You are doing great for yourself and should be proud of all that you have accomplished on your own."

"Thank you doctor. I have tried to manage on my own. But sometimes it's hard not to feel ashamed or hopeless with the outcome."

To Be Continued"

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