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By: desiprincess | Posted: Mar 08, 2013 | Power of Love! | 672 Views (Updated Mar 08, 2013)

Memories Washed Away

Every now and then Jeena would reminisce about past memories. Sometimes the good ones would hurt more than the bad ones did. She thought about special moments they shared. Like when they would gaze at a beautiful sunset while holding each other close on a park bench. Another time they decided to go for a movie but the tickets were sold out. So they headed to the ice cream shop and laughed over funny stories. And how could she forget their romantic dances together? He knew his moves on the dance floor and would lovingly embrace her in his arms every chance he got. The music, the mood, the touch, and the atmosphere. That was all she could take with her.

She stared longingly at a photo of them together. She had put it in a frame with the words "love" bordering each side.They were both smiling and incredibly happy. He was holding her in his arms as closely as he could. She never forgot his words that day. He told her,"I will never let you go my love." The phrase just lingered in her mind. How could he say those words with such conviction and then do the exact opposite?

Letting Go

No matter how much she thought about it, she knew she had to let it go. There would always be unanswered questions and loose ends. There was no definite closure but Jeena needed peace of mind. She had no choice but to be brave and move on. She wrote in her journal, "*Life is full of ups and downs. Good times and tough times. But we have to learn how to deal with our problems and accept them in the

best way we can. Just as we look forward to enjoying life, we must learn to rise to our challenges. Only then we will become stronger with time. We will finally find the peace of mind that we so desire*.

Jeena found love within herself. It wasn't a romantic love that she once had. It wasn't an unconditional love from family. It wasn't a kind love from friends. It was a love without a name that kept her going and helped her reach her greatest dreams.


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