What is love?
The other imaginary day, I went out in the hypermarket and asked for it. They asked back? What? You want love? Is it a product sir? Book? Film? Perfume? "No, I need 1 Kg love". (Oops, I don't know how it is measured. I just told 1 KG). They said sorry and I have to quit. I wandered around the street searching for love. I could see couples walking in joy hand in hand, some lonely people walking half in dream, of course they are in their past. The other half naked girl roaming around with a handbag asked, 'Coming sir?' I said a shy no and told I am searching for love. I will give it to you sir, one hour …… only. I smiled at them and walked along.
Once come back to my computer, I thought of MS mall and searched if there is something called love there. I could find 'I Love You' Balloon and 'Will you marry me' for high prices. Red roses are the most expensive flower there. I understood that anything with the name Love sells. I start wondering again, why love is so costly? Why? Air, Water, Hard labour…all are cheap…people don't value it. So, love is expensive. To give importance. But then the natural economic principle hindered my thought. Anything in abundance will not find a value in the demand and supply principles of economics. I come to a conclusion that 'Love is not available in abundance' in the market and that is why it is so expensive. People are starving for love. Families are collapsing with the lack of it. Relations are breaking and friendships are terminated. Ambitions for material things takes over the eternal love and people start believing that possessing material things and sharing it is called love. Oh, I am deviating from my search.
After a coffee break, I decided to take a break and closed my eyes but my mind was still working and I could see images passing through my eyes.
Mother's love which I missed for many years ever after I moved out to gulf. I miss my father and the thought that I cannot see him again left me in a different mood. But I know he lives in me and I am happy for him. Still I miss him. My friends are missing me like the way I miss them. My wife is missing me for some time now and the children too….Love…Is it in the presence of people we love? Or in the care they rendered to us? Support, protection, confidence, trust…what are the ingredients of the good dish called love? Arre…Love is not an eatable…somebody told me from within.
A look, A smile, A touch, A good word…what is love? Is it an expression? Is it sex? Probably yes, otherwise why they are telling making love for making sex? But then, can we make love? That is interesting. (I know I am wrong in this conclusion before typing this here which forces me to continue my search.)
They say self giving is love. Give oneself in its totality is love. But then, each individual is different and we all have our plus points and minus points. So, do that mean we have to give our negative points too to the people we love? Or we give only the plus points to them? Then, we are hiding a part of ourselves from our loved ones na? 'That is for the betterment of the relation and for our own good' said the other side of my mind. What other option we have when we are not sure our partner will accept our minus points as well? We are attracted to the person and want to share rest of the life with them. What if she doesn't accept my minus points? Now let me hide these from her eyes. Isn't it cheating? 'In war and love, everything is justified'. Didn't you hear that love is blind?' That is true, love is already blind and we make it more blinds with our secrets. If we have a bit of understanding, doesn't it make love more pure?
If it is not giving selflessly, what is love? Is it being ourself? Arre, that is called selfishness, possessiveness etc. To love, you need somebody or something…Ok, so we have to have somebody and something. Then? We like it with its nature and attract to it. That is cool. Then? Our mind start working to possess it….isn't it possessiveness as you told earlier? No. It is quest for togetherness. But tell me why? To be together and to be one. As we are? Yes, as we are and as they are. Together we create new life and that is called love. So, you are saying new life is love. No, old life too is love. Arre, I am going to kill you. Love….is it a person? An emotion? A relation? A creation? It is all of that but not any of those. Why don't you tell you don't know the answer? Yes… Why don't I tell that I don't know the answer?
Tags :
love, search, What, is, Love?