Paul the parrot is again with a prophecy here.
I don't know if we can call this as prophecy or ranting of worries by an insane mind...but these are my thoughts on observation of a situation for some time now.
This time it is on Earthquakes. In my early days Earthquake was a big dangerous event. Lately I realise that earthquake is a continuous phenomenon where there are hundreds of major and minor earthquakes takes place on earth every week. For last one year or two, I am keeping a close watch on the major earthquakes of the world, thanks to US geological survey web site.
'Ring of fire' is the major place of happening for earthquakes. The tsunamis followed major earthquakes in sea in recent years only reassert the danger the catastrophe can create to the world. As of now, we have no other solution to prevent an earthquake but we have to identify areas which are prone to and take preventive steps to reduce damages. Japan and Indonesia are the two major nations which are affected by earthquakes where it is a day to day phenomenon and no wonder many in Japan have earthquake protections for the buildings with a rubber base.
Recently however I have noticed that another line of fire is been started developing. This is purely an amateurish observation it will have its limitations but it is continuously happening these days. i.e. say more areas are now prone to earthquake in the last twelve months. Turkey is a hot spot where a series of earthquakes happened and still happening on every day basis, major and minor. Iran has the next spot, near to the Persian bay. Next major spot is just after Kashmir, but in Afghanistan/China territories. From here there is one branch reaching through China to the ring of fire and another through east of India and then through Indonesia, reaching to the ring of fire. If you follow the daily earthquakes continuously, you can observe that there is a line forming with fire. This line is big and can be of dangerous in time and yes, it is already made some damages.
There is another line developing as well where Eritrea / Ethiopia as the target where there had some continuous earthquakes followed by volcano eruption. As of now the place is calm but it can be reactivated any time sooner. The line to this hot spot must be passing through south of Indian cost and it will reach to the ring of fire. Southern India, Srilanka, Indonesia is the course it may take.
As less power humans we cannot do anything much about these happenings, but we could take precautions. We can check the strength of the dams and repair or build new ones with proper foundations. If it is not strong enough to hold huge pressure we may have to abandon them. Houses should be built with a proper foundation. Of course it is not a day's job but our eye should be set on that.
Then, what is the prophecy? I think the Himalayan belt which formed by a rocking hit of a huge moving Himalayan plate may move away to south, if a major earthquake or a series of them happens. What is the reason for such a distance between the Ring of fire countries, east and west? It must be a huge and series of earthquakes. The power must be huge. Probably that must haven even cause of forming the continents. The hints are that the fire under is finding a way out in Himalayan region as well. I wish the prophecy fails and humans live but if it is to be correct, it is better to be cautious than repent later, if not for our generation, but the next.
Tags :
prophecy, earthquake, himalaya, ring_of_fire, line_of_fire