Let me see whether I am able to recollect something that happened about 60 years ago! Yes I do. I was about 3 or 4 years old and my dad took me to watch a Cricket match. Actually I was to watch and he was playing in that match, representing Pune Air Force Eleven.
He deposited me near the boundary limits, strictly warning me to stand there and watch and never to advance towards the players. Of course I had my quota of chocolates given by so many colleagues of my dad. I had never seen a cricket match before and I knew nothing about the game. My curiosity was roused and I was watching the game intently.
About half an hour into the game, my father was given the ball by the captain and he was taking a short run up to bowl. My chest swelled up with pride that my dad was trusted with the ball!
I do not know what happened next! Something hit my face hard and there was excruciating pain. I clutched my face and I found it was growing under my fingers. In a few seconds my face looked lopsided and I was beginning to look like Hanuman’s aulad. Only Ineeded a tail to complete the picture. LOL. I burst out wailing and all the players gathered round me, commiserating. My dad who had a tremendous sense of humor, took one look at me and burst out laughing.
He said, “Ah, now you are beginning to look like me! I am proud of you, son!”
All the others too broke out laughing. You know how these Air Force guys are. My father hoisted me on his shoulders and ran to the M.I. room where with the aid of numerous cold compresses my face regained a slight resemblance to my former self. The players adjourned for lunch and the Air Force Mess cook who was fond of me loaded my plate with chicken. I forgot my lot and did full justice to my plate and went off to sleep in an easy chair while the players resumed their match.