Modi Controversy What Crap is this ….Modi cancelled Good Friday holiday in Gujarat, so if he wins he will cancel it all over India … he will pass an Anti-conversion Bill….He is against all Christians and Blah Blah…. I wonder who is spreading this around. Is it a strategy from Modi’s party itself to spread unrest among the Christians? which I doubt it is. Or is it the insecurity and lack of confidence on the part of the Christians? ‘ CHRISTIAN’’ means ‘CHRIST LIKE’ If Christians cannot have Confidence & Faith in CHRIST then whatever they get, they have asked for it and hence deserve it. Modi is just a man. CHRIST is'JESUS CHRIST' Then who are you giving more importance to? If you spread and encourage stuff like this to float around the Universe, the Universe will give back to you what you are floating around. So please, please…. Stop all this negativity immediately. Don’t spread it around you are not doing something big. In fact you are inviting a huge wave of negativity to engulf our planet. Instead, Spread a wave of positivity around and have faith and Confidence in Christ that even if Modi gets elected, I repeat “Even If” Or anyone else for that matter. They will administer the country with a positive approach because we are willing that positivity on our leaders and hence, expect it of them, so that is what we will get. Don’t let fears of what you think will happen, ruin our present & our future. We are in the Age of Aquarius, wherein, the world changes for the better and not for the worst. The only way that it can universally happen, is by changing the way we think. THINK POSITIVLY ….Expect wonders, be confident in your faith in Christ and then sit back and enjoy what comes your way because nothing wrong will ever happen to you as long as you are in the palm of His hands. Stay Protected and united in the name of Jesus.
Tags :
Modi, cancelled, good, Friday, holiday, christians