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By: angel_babe55 | Posted: May 17, 2012 | General | 1852 Views (Updated May 17, 2012)

MOM, mama, Ammee, Mai, Inay, whatever way we call it in different languages, means the same which means, mother or MOM. Mother is a lifetime title of a woman who bears and gives birth to a child. A 24/7 duties, a whole month and throughout the year on call always. Mom is a woman who can make our world beautiful even other people are so cruel. She is the person who can make you feel comfortable and stable even your world stumbled down. She is the one who amazes you with lots of surprises and remembers special days in different occasions. Mom is usually the first word that most babies learned first. Moms always gives way for her family first, instead of buying or getting things for herself.

Let me quote what Pearl S. Buck said, “Some mothers are kissing mothers and some are scolding mothers, but it is love just the same, and most mothers kiss and scold together.“ No other woman can easily forgive and forget more than a mother's love. She has a heart that easily understands no matter how deep the scars and how painful it hurts. Another quotation by Washington Irving, "A father may turn his back on his child, brothers and sisters may become inveterate enemies, husbands may desert their wives, wives their husbands. But a mother's love endures through all."

Last Sunday, mother's day was being celebrated world-wide, and Im sure most moms, if not all, were happy that they are being remembered. Let me share my own way of giving honor to the super woman in my life. I know that this is a little late to share or post this blog about my mom but let me share it anyway.

My MOM as a caring and prayerful woman. One midnight, she was awakened by the commotion outside the house, because she heard a man howling from pain as the other person was trying to strangle him to death. My mom was just on time to get out of the door and pleaded to the man with a knife, "Please dont stub him, he is my son!" The man with a knife turned his head and walked away while my mom realized that ‘twas a mistaken identity of what she thought was my elder brother. The guy couldn’t think a word what to say but thank mom by saving his life. My mom said, “Well, its Divine intervention why things happened. You know, I always pray that God will protect my family and all the while I thought that you're my son. God used me to save you." As she realized that my brothers were all sleeping inside the house.

My MOM as a Good Samaritan, philosopher and teacher. During those time (early sixties) barter trading was common in selected areas in the city. Eatas as what we call the primitive people coming from uphill, would come down to the city(where we live) and come house to house to exchange commodities in the neighborhood. They brought chicken, eggs, bananas, sweet potatoes and other root crops in exchange for clothes and other things. I remembered my mom, whenever those people would come, she gave them food and water to drink. She would always remind us, that we should be happy because we are not in their shoes. She said that we should remain humble and kind as we are more blessed. She would tell that humbleness is a virtue.

My MOM as an artist, dressmaker, singer rolled into one. Mom was gifted with an artist's hands that she can draw really well, although she didn’t make it a profession or means as source of income for the family. And luckily, some of my siblings inherited her artistic way in sketching or paintings that won them an award locally and in national contest. And as expected some of my brother's painting is being displayed in our city museum. Whenever we need new dresses, my mom would buy cloth and sew it for me or for my sisters. While, she may not have a golden voice but she has a good quality voice for Soprano. She leads the singing in our family worship.

I could tell more about the kind of mother I have, but what made me remember her most was, whenever she heard me crying because of a very painful toothache I have, she would sat besides me while letting me rest on her chest, and sang me a lullaby. She would kissed me tenderly on my cheeks where she thought my toothache was. That's my MOM with Mom. Meaning, my Most Outstanding Moment with Mom, and that was always the best for me. How about you? Do you have MOM with your Mom? Share your experience and together lets salute them for being who they are and thanx God for Mom!

Links of my previous blogs on Mother's day>>



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