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By: angel_babe55 | Posted: Jun 26, 2015 | General | 959 Views (Updated Jun 26, 2015)

Hi everyone, it's been 3 years since I posted my last blog. And as much as I wish to comeback very soon, the more that I wasn't able to do so(although if time permits, I come back here and peeped). Anyway, today I'm back to share my thoughts with regards to the father's day celebration. Since it's still month of June, I wish its not too late to share this topic with you all and find it interesting to read.

What is a Father?

Dad, is a three letter word like God, but dad- is not God. God made dad but dad can't make God. Dad is one of the most important person in the family aside from mom. Without dad or father, a family is never complete. If the mother believes to be the light in our house, the father is the solid post to connect the family together, stand firm, live together, stays together. He is one person who defends the family no matter how strong the storms may come. He is the one that help channeling his child to the right directions to become better and greater person, or mold them who they'll become later in life as adult. He is the one who pick you up when you stumble and fall and tells you to try again. Daddy or a father is one great gift that God has given to every child and family. Just think of a family or children without a father's image in the house. Some reasons maybe are- they may have lost(died)their dad at the early age or their parents got separated. Others maybe, are living abroad and have never comeback for many years. And that's what made the child separated from fatherly love and attention. Something is lacking in the way the child grows up. Most of them have the feeling of deprivation from a father's love or care, as mom's love is different from a father's love. But both are essential part of a child's growing up stage.

I once talked to a young dad that I have interviewed regarding child population, he said that, "My day starts early morning when my son wakes up to kiss and hug me before I get up from bed. The day is not complete without knowing that my son is safe and free from illness." He doesn't care how hard he would toil the whole days work and away from home for many hours, as long as at the end of the day when he gets home and his son came by the door with his mom, giving him the sweetest and infectious smiles a child could ever give, that's the best compensation he could ever ask for from God. The joy of being a father to his son is something that he will never regret and forget. That is what a father means to him.

To some dad, wealth is not much the priority in the eyes of a loving, responsible, caring father. It's the love for his family that made him move to provide for his family's needs by performing even some tough job to earn a living. What is important they live together as one happy family even just in a simple living way.

Being a father is not only limited to providing foods, clothing and shelter for the family, he also have responsibility to nurture his child to a most Godly manner and not ill mannered. Parenting and fathering is not an easy task but with God centered home, it is not impossible. Being a dad is a life time responsibility and commitment. Parenting is a gift that we should receive wholeheartedly no matter how big the responsibility. Remember, you were also once a child and your dad has done his part sincerely on you without regrets.

Whatever I have mentioned above are not limited to that opinion only, on how or what a father is. We may have an endless opinions and ideas about what a father is all about. So I wish that you too will share your ideas of what a father means to you. But before I close this diary post I just have some questions for you to ponder on.

After reading, I want to ask, "Are you happy that you're a father? Or did you ever think that you wish you weren't dad yet? What kind of a daddy are you? Will your child be happy and proud that you are his /her dad?" If you think you have not done your part yet being a good dad, there's still chance to do the best you can. If you're a son or daughter, give time to kiss and hug your father today. You don't need to go to the mall to buy it, just extend your arms wide open and go close to your dad and tell him how much you love him before it's too late. And also give a big hug and kiss to your mom for choosing your dad above the rest. Aren't you lucky you have both your mom and dad, while others have none? Let's be glad that we have our heavenly father who loves us. God is so good.

PS. Thank u for reading and sharing ur thoughts.

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