- Which is your favourite sweet/ chocolate?
me: I am a hardcore sweet lover :) my fav. sweet - Rasgulla, chocolate- home made chocolates from ooty.
- Why do people hug?
me: It gives out warmth and joy when you hug ...it's a soul filling experience
- What kind of power do you want the most?
me: I'd love to be invisible ( at my will)
4.What have you realised......but slowly?
me: Friends too can hurt
5.Who is the most charming person you've ever met?
me: My husband
- If you were incarnated, what is the worst thing you can think of coming back as?
me: Hitler
- What is gossip? and why do people do it?
me: gossip is like the filler between 2 programs in television :) when life gets boring people turn to gosip...umm they do it as fillers till they get something more interesting to do I guess.
- Be honest : how do you feel when u c people smoke?
me: I feel really bad and kinda irritated coz ....they are paying money to burn their lungs
- If you could bring back one famous personality from the past who would it be?
me: Mother Teresa
- If you could forget one thing. What would it be?
me: I was almost run over by a car ,miraculously no serious injuries happened. That thought haunts me even today....wish to erase it completely.
would you like to answer these questions?? please do the pleasure's all mine :)
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