Thank you all so much for participating in the MSians Choice Awards.
I was not keeping well so the delay in announcing the results.
The best writer on social issues is Umesh. Here’s presenting him with the title of the ‘MS Responsible Citizen.’ Applause…
The best Hindi poet is Madhuminal.Here’s presenting her with the title of ‘MS Kaviratna’. Applause…
The best English poet is Angelbabe.Here’s presenting her with the title of ‘MS Wordsmith’. Applause…
The best joke contributor is of course Harry.Here’s presenting him with the title of ‘MS Funny Bone’. Applause…
The best recipe contributor is Dev.Here’s presenting him with the title of ‘MS Kitchen King’. Applause…
The best contest conductor is Tanna.Here’s presenting her with the title of ‘MS Contest OrganisingMaster’. Applause…
The best photo contributor is Paul.Here’s presenting him with the title of ‘MS Shutter Bug’. Applause…
The best music reviewer is Bhupesh Rai.Here’s presenting him with the title of ‘MS Musikepedia’. Applause…
The most encouraging members are Nagaraj Bhoopalam and Paul. Here’s presenting them with the title of ‘MS Pillar of Support’. Applause…
I have not announced the winners in the other categories as either there are a very few votes or there are more than two at the same number of votes.
God Bless You all!!
Happiness Always!!