Kimberly Fugate of Mississippi got the shock of her life in the delivery room, when after an intensive labor and delivery of identical triplets, doctors noticed a pair of feet. The woman was expecting triplets but ended up delivering four healthy baby girls.
"They had got the three out and they said,'More feet,'" Fugate said. "'More feet' . that's all I heard and I said,'Nooo!'"
Numerous ultrasounds and sonographies somehow failed to detect the presence of the fourth identical quadruplet. She was hidden until she got noticed by doctors after the delivery of her three identical sisters at the University of Mississippi Medical Center.
"It's one surprise after another," Fugate said.
Kimberley Fugate, 42. who already had a 10 year old daughter did not plan to have any more children – until she found out she was pregnant with triplets.
The quadruplets, named Kenleigh Rosa, Kristen Sue, Kayleigh Pearl and Kelsey Roxanne, were born premature at 28 weeks. They are currently kept in the newborn intensive care and will be under observation for a few days.
"I haven't been able to hold them yet," Fugate said. "It will be very exciting to get to take them home and love them."
“I was very embarrassed, obviously,” Dr. James Bofill, director of maternal-fetal medicine at the hospital told The Clarion Ledger. “The news was sent to me by one of my fellows. I thought she was kidding.”
Bofill also pointed out at the fact that Fugate's quadruplets were all identical which is a very rare phenomenon.
“No one really knows what makes a single zygote separate into identical twins or identical triplets, or in this case, identical quadruplets,” Bofill told The Clarion Ledger. “It’s definitely an accident; it’s not supposed to happen and, in some cases, like Ms. Fugate’s, it happens in a spectacular manner.”