Further to my blog dated 8th October 2013 regarding cheating by online store Naaptol, who had despatched me some local made shoes in place of the one ordered by me and who had not attended to my complaint, I am pleased to say that finally some action was taken. It must have been due to my blog in MS that they decided to take some action. Their CRM wrote to me, apologising for the inconvinence caused and directed me to return the product without paying the courier fees (it was charged to their account). I am assured that once the defective goods will be received back in their godown, they will process my refund. Well, I have returned the product on 22nd Oct, 2013 and awaiting my refund. I will update once the refund is received. Till then, I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Tags :
online, cheating, naaptol, store, shoes