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By: sweetsam | Posted: Oct 31, 2008 | General | 289 Views


When my mum was pregnant, the doc told her that she'll give birth to baby twin, and above that I had two elder sisters who were 9 and 10 yrs old. But when the day of delivery came, instead of twin there were triplets. Mum and dad were very happy and at that time it was something rare to have triplets... But as my father was the only one who worked for the survival of the family, it was not that easy for him to feed all these mouth...

There was even an ad in the newspaper and on seeing this a Belgian family wanted to adopt one of the triplets. My mum and dad weren't ready at all for the adoption, but as they didn't expect to have triplet and didn't made any provision for the third one, they finally came to an agreement with the Belgian family.

My twin sis was only 18 days on her adoption and the Belgian kept on sending photos and letters every month and that way we have been keeping in touch...

6 years (1984) later my father pass away (he had blood cancer) and my mum had to work hard for the family as my two elder sis were at college and my brother and I had just joined the primary school. By then the Belgian had stop sending us letters and photos and when we have been trying to contact them by mail, all our letters and cards were returning back to us (precising that there was a change in address). Since then when someone close to the family was going abroad to Europe, we kept on asking them to look out for my sis but there was no response.

Then one day (Oct 2001) I came across a French name Gerard Galus (whom I respect very much) who was the Human Resource Manager of Holcim (where a used to work before) came to Holcim Mtius and had to interview all the staff concerning their job.... Without any hesitation I took the opportunity and told him everything about my twin sis. He then told me that he will try his best and even promised to me that it will be a wedding (Nov 2002) gift for me to be able to get in contact with my sis.

Each and every time Gerard came to Mtius he used to encourage me and then one day he asked me to write a letter to that Belgian (had to give my twin's photo as a baby and mine also, another recent photo of mine, the last letter which the Belgian send to us, and my full address, email...) and two months b4 my wedding he sent two of his friends to Belgium where they were able to find the lady who adopted my sis. At that time Sam wasn't living in Chatelet she was in Jambes with her boyfriend. They left the envelop with Sam's mum and when Gerard got Sam's email ad, he has been trying to keep in touch with her. Unfortunately she never responded to his email. Then in Oct 2002 when Gerard came to Mtius he showed me all his email and by then on the same day Sam send me a mail...

It was her first email to me and I still remember that day (on Monday morning) she told me that she was my twin sis and didn't want to be in touch with us as she was adopted and her mother is that Belgian lady. She seemed to be very rude in her mail, but I was very happy to hear from her and she knew that she was adopted and wrote each and every detail to me (to which school she has been, when she obtained her driving permit, about her friends, working place, to which university she went...)

Gerard also was happy and he is someone whom I'll never forget and will always pray God for him wherever he is.

Since then we have been keeping in touch only my email and Sam does want to contact other members of the family. She told me that as I have been trying so hard to know how she is, that why she responded to me. I have been inviting her for holidays to Mtius and she doesn't seem interested. For her the other members of the family have no importance and I can understand her. May be later on she will like to come to Mtius. I don't even have her residential address, her phone no... feel sad not to be able to talk to her or see her in front of me. But she keep on send jokes, photos by email.

My twin brother lives with my mum at Curepipe but he doesn't resemble us at all !!! My elder sis, mum and bro are happy that Sam is still in contact with me and all of us understand her feelings.

Hope that one day we'll meet her but when ............. : (

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