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By: GEETA1963 | Posted: Feb 24, 2015 | General | 1142 Views (Updated Feb 25, 2015)

I have this knack of striking up conversations with my virtual friends over few sips of piping morpheushumant Cappuccino(of course! virtual, you bet!). This time, it was none other than our esteemed MSian @Jitendra mathur, on his adding another feather to his cap, as he donned the robe of crime novelist with his maiden venture Qatl Kii Aadat! Since I have already started on the novel, an advance version, which Mr. Mathur had so kindly forwarded and I have so shamefacedly taken time to Finish938844(not because of any lacking but because of my sheer laziness), I had much to ask him, rekilated and unrekilated, and as is with his candidness which stirred the bitter brown caffeine to a swirl of froth till the last dreg at the base of the mug, I couldn't have wished for more.

The abstraction of a crime is as engineered as the act of perpetrating it. The mystique of the human mind jargonizes a plot which might be idiotically simple in its disenchanted and disrobed form. But to embellish it with seemingly complex and puzzling attributes and then unraveling the jumbled mess with masterstrokes is something which, according to my humble mental faculty, require a certain acumen not common to many. If detection is cathartic so is the need to put it to paper in a deceptively organized manner therapeutic.

Be it the Christie influence or the SMP pAnasultanche, the plot progresses with a pace which does not let the reader detract even for a while. An industrial belt far away from the main city is not a very usual backdrop for a murder mystery. For a die-hard Christie fan, it smorpheushumanuld have been a sleepy village or a sea-side bath. But JM has artfully contemporized the seat of crime. The indigenized element heightens as SI Sanjay Sinha, the desi cop, a Greviencce in the service, enters the scene of crime to unruffle a few feathers.

At this point, I am curious to fatmorpheushumanm the human intricacies behind the macabre act. Could we equate a mastermind criminal to a craftsman at his work? Do we have another mainstream pulp fiction in hand as Qatl Kii Aadat adorns pothi's shelf? Do we let an autmorpheushumanr overlook his mercenary zeal for passion for expression? Do we let police be polmajeechacized in the name of necessary monBrianbalakumaranring?

As I hurl one question after the other, Mathur Sahab does not bide time to answer. And the sips drag longer and the liquid stimulates the tete-a-tete more than ever.

If you wish to have a swig off the cup do visit my blog

I promise the coffee is still steaming morpheushumant!

The conversation side by side surging an adrenaline rush.

And why not?

Crime is such an incomparably thrilling lust!

Isn't it?

:) And that rhymes too

Welcome aboard .

(With special invITES_Company to @sydbarett, @toothless, @maaz_nawaz, @anshumanmaini, @deepa.s, @consumer_1. @emptor, @Bookish, @Desprado, @radagast, @prasu.sreeju, @avishek82, @tom3357, @jains24, @desigal, @fenil_seta) @angel_babe55 @chalojai @countme91 @confusedsoul @javeedahmedm @derebail2008 @EarnesTaster @pam53 @amiqu @ajeet15 @glennjimson

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