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By: GEETA1963 | Posted: Oct 14, 2013 | General | 1073 Views (Updated Oct 14, 2013)

Well the caption seems an inappropriate one for a blog post but that is exactly how I feel at this point of time. Gimme a few minutes and I shall tell you why.

My tryst with MS was coincidental with my writing spree. It would be difficult for me to figure out now which boosted what. But it is certain that things happen when you look for them. I was snooping all over the net to find a platform to flaunt my writing skill, howsoever, flawed it be. I have said before that it was a total stranger who guided me to this site one summer evening. I suppose that is how things happen when they are meant to happen. Thereafter there was no looking back.

Along with posting 'Diaries' and 'Reviews' on MS I had the audacity to try out telling stories, a knack which I had developed during my childhood days to the chagrin of all concerned at home and in friend circle. Why chagrin, one may ask. Simply because my stories never ended. They went on and on and on.

Now hold it! I have matured and my stories do have a beginning, a middle and an end. And to top it all, these are getting published too. Had MS had an option to encourage story telling, I would have been the first to take advantage of that opportunity. Alas! it does not.

But an itching finger cannot help but hold the pen and scribble while nibbling over ideas howsoever bogus these may seem to be. Without further ado, lemme share it all with you.

Contemporary Literary Review India (CLRI), a prestigious online e-journal has been kind enough to publish one of my short stories. I give the link below with this huge anticipation that perhaps one or two of you, dear MS friends, may have the inclination and time to go through the link and spend sometime on the story.

Its a bit of a spooky tale and not so much spooky either. There are certain words which are often intranslatable. So lets not get into any further debate whether the story is sufficiently goosebumpy or not. However, it would be an immense pleasure for me if more and more of my MS friends happen to visit the site and spend time on my story. And do please tell me the mistakes I am prone to commit so that I can improve upon them.

Till then....

May I say 'Happy Reading

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