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By: viratbond | Posted: Oct 23, 2011 | Current affairs | 1075 Views (Updated Oct 23, 2011)

I post this blog at a time when we are contemplating whether we “love to hate MS” or “hate to love MS” on BigMate. Sometimes, the irony just writes itself. I am an advocate of innovation and pushing the boundaries. However, even an avant garde patriot such as I cannot condone the innovation in defamation that I have come to observe over the past few days.

I am, of course, referring to the rather personal deflowering of our dear Ketan Bhai @kdrocks Leaving aside the fact that I have had the opportunity to meet Ketan Bhai face to face, it just pains me to see the literal “draupadi haran” I had to witness. I valiantly applaud Ketan Bhai in his efforts to go toe to toe, but frankly, his inherent decency could only get him thus far. The fact is, Ketan Bhai, the demure, decent fellow that he is, was up against a force of absolute decadence, one which adhered to no morals or code. How is one supposed to win a reasonable argument against a person who is intent on destroying you? How are you supposed to reason with a man whose sole intention is not to make logical argument, but to hurt you with base usage of what could scarcely be classified as abuses? The answer is, you CANNOT.

And so, our valiant knight fell. And he fell so hard that his spirit was broken. Solace, support and consolation can mend most things, but spirit is something which once broken, takes some time to mend. We, as the MS community will always be there for you Ketan Bhai, but I do not know how much our support is helping you. After all, it was you who stood at the receiving end of those deflowering phrases, it was you who had to gather the courage to reply back and it was you still who had to watch as each word written by that person tore through the faith in MS that you had put. I, for one, cannot imagine or even begin to feel what you must be feeling right now. I can understand your situation, empathise with you, stand by you, fight the world beside you, but I cannot feel what YOU feel.

With regards to the ignorance is bliss argument, I disagree. Ignorance is bliss may work as a tactic to deal with sex education, but it cannot be expected to be applied in a public forum. How exactly is Ketan Bhai expected to “ignore” this person when every word he has said is still out there for everyone to see? Do you know how damaging it is to read what has been written in that comment space and to know that other people will be reading it too? The phrases employed by this person to defame Ketan Bhai are too radical an innovation for a decent public forum like MS. I saw this conundrum begin when it did, but didn’t think much of it at the time. It seems that at this point this unnamed person or fake id is having a lot of fun, enjoying the attention that he is getting with a few cheap blows that he has struck. I, for one, can understand abuse, but cannot understand or will stand by watching someone sadistchandru021y enjoying deflowering another member’s dignity in front of my eyes.

Things have come to such a point that Ketan bhai is contemplating leaving MS. Now this is exactly the sort of thing we do not want. Not after we lost some great members due to the “questionable DPs” fiasco that MS had to deal with earlier. If MS keeps losing members like this and due care is not taken to pamper the members, then I’m sorry to say that the coin may flip on the wrong side and more people might be inclined to “love to hate MS” more than they “hate to love” MS.

This is an appeal to the MS admin to set things right before it’s too late. Also, my dear friends I appeal to you to come join in my crusade to mend the broken spirit of Ketan Bhai, so that he may once again, roam the comment space of MS a proud man. Join me to lend support to Ketan Bhai and SAY NO TO INNOVATION IN DEFAMATION. Feel free to voice your support in the comments section and/or have your say about how to deal with this menace.

Tags :
fake, ids, defamation
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