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The hardest job for a writer, or a budding writer in this case, is - to write!

Regal professionals like doctors, lawyers and other workers make it their pastime to perfect their art. For writers though, this unscrupulous machinery of perfection rarely pays a vist.

It is a common misconception that writers are ’’so full of themselves’’. I cannot verify or deny this myth. What I can do though, is showcase the nagging insecurities of an average writer; with just the right amount of talent and a little bit of God’s gift - the latter can be debated upon.

Join me in this adventure, enthrall me or be enthralled. Fasten your seatbelts, this is going to be one heck of a joyride!!. Hehehe... but you might as well listen from the horse’s mouth..
I Love to read... its my passion.. and now I am incorporating writing.. I am not your hyperactive person but would rather prefer to slouch.. I mean rest.. (Guess I am the only person who likes to demean himself in public) Hehehe.. guess you have noticed that I am pretty jovial by nature and like to crack one liners..

Now that we are done with the ’’socially presentable’’ traits, let’s get down to business.

George Orwell specified in his essay - ’’Why I write’’, that ’every book is a failure’. Rarely, if ever, a piece of writing is complete or perfect. It becomes a pastime to sit with the ’finished’ piece and start to add new lines, change a word here and there, squashing new ideas or shuffling incidents. It can take eons and a lot of fake consolation to build up a writer’s confidence so that he finally becomes illusioned that his work is really finished. Achieving that illusion on a regular basis is my interest...