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By: sarkars2050 | Posted: Jul 27, 2008 | What's Your say??? | 567 Views

We humans have this tendency to get stuck with one word(S) and use it umpteen number of times during our conversation without our knowledge.

It might sound funny but it's true. We really use a particular ' stuck word(S) ' anytime and everytime we open our mouth. I have a friend who uses the word ' like ' every single time she says something ......"you know ' like' my father was ' like' driving the other day and 'like' he saw this accident he was 'like' shocked and 'like' didn't know what to do 'like at that time. " It's so very obvious that it sounds funny but nothing that can be done with the words that we are ' stuck' with.

One more incident I would like to share is that of our Social teacher, she use to say 'Thus you find that' at the end of every other line she spoke while explaining to the class. Students used to make a note of the number of times she repeated her ' stuck word(s)', it used to count up to 15-20 times in a class hahahah it used to be so funny :)

On that note I would like to know how many of us have a fav. ' stuck ' word?? please make this post more interesting by sharing your input. Thanks

Hey! lovely people! I am stuck with the words Oh Lord!! sometimes,Oh God!!! what's your's??

Tags :
fun, for, stuck
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