The project on which I was working got over last week and I am on bench again, with no signs of this project coming again.Usually bench time after a long project is a time which is most awaited because you dont have any deadlines to meet work to do and yo can enjoy yourself and make yourself ready for the next assignement. But this time its different, with sub-prime crises rupee, aprriciation and news of so many reputed companies firing people evrey now and then its a bad time to be a software engineer with 0-2 years of experience sitting on bench and to accentuate the matter the company on which I am working has been put on the blocks by its investor.So a software engineer on bench is an easy target to be fired. I was a bit apprehensive about joining a project which was being offered to me as it was not very challanging and I though there is not much to learn and was arguing about the same with my manager when he uttered those words "YOU SEE IT'S A BAD TIME TO BE ON BENCH". So just to save my ass from fire I accepted to go in that project with a smile :):):)....... I was just thinking how many more compromises I will have to make to survive, and is this all I want to survive and nothing else.......maybe the answer lies somewhere in the future when ill be able to evaluate myself completly..... till then I am happy not to be part of that once so saught after BENCH.