This was a BLOG I wrote about ONLINE SHOPPING.......
i write this not because i'm presently working at a remote location.....but this was something which I have been feeling for sometime...cud not jus write bout it till now. This is actually my first BLOG!!!
on one sunday morning watching our fav tv program, in one of the ad break the ad of one of the fav online shopping site flashed on anything from anywhere online.....i explained my wife that nowadays almost anything can be brought online.....she is not very net or tech savvy...still likes ol skool shopping and stuff like that. but one question she posed to me made me come on this BLOGsite.....
the following are the most logical questions I wish to ask these shopping sites:
why do you want online shopping in metro and semi-metro sites...where u already have malls and other shopping areas?
why no service to remote locations like naliya in gujrat or thuruthikkara in kerala? (there are no malls or shopping centres here....nearest ones may be at least 100kms away)
why no delivery via India Post Registered service......i guess this is the most reliable and with most reach even in the remotest locations of india. and now-a-days the speed post service is better than most of the silly courier services.
i guess this is one business propositions which most of the shopping sites are missing out on. I don't know the statistics and the numbers.....maybe u can employ some market research firms to do the job for you.