This is to record my utmost dismay and disappointment with the performance of the Spice QT mobile which I purchased through you. There was a problem first time and the set was replaced with a new one. Now again I have a problem with the set once again that it keeps switching itself off without any apparent reason and have since handed over to the Spice service center at Mangalore on 05th April 2011. I am now given to understand that the set has to be sent to the company for repairs and I will have to wait for a week to know the results. I do not know how such low quality sets are being palmed off to the unsuspecting customers that within a space of six months two sets of QT 50 have turned out to be bad. Is your sale only a gimmick to palm off defective products to the customers with the enticing offer of DISCOUNTS. I am hopelessly disappointed with your promise of QUALITY and I guess I have learnt a very bad lesson. I do not have any more faith in the company and what is the guarantee that the third time will not be defective as well and therefore I request for a refund of the money paid of Rs. 1999.00 (Rupees one thousand nine hundred and ninety nine only).
I do not think I will be ever visiting your site for any more requirements or recommending anyone to even think of making the mistake of buying from your organization. As far as I am concerned it is HomeShop18 who is responsible for the quality, guarantee and performance of the products as this is being promoted on your television channel by your employees, and therefore I seek your intervention to provide the refund at the earliest.
With best wishes,
Jaffer Mohammed Sait