Hi everyone! This being my first blog, I just felt an urge to type out and express my feelings about biking and how it can add immense value to one's life. I can honestly say that I am a changed man after many rides on my faithful Pulsar 220F. So here goes.
Think about it. In this busy rat race of never ending struggles, problems, tricky situations, and responsibilities, when was the last time you truly looked within and really performed an introspection?
My guess is that as inherently productive human beings with many, many duties, not many manage to give themselves enough time or attention. I feel that self-evaluation is one of the most beneficial( and underrated) habits one can have. To the people who do, you have my respect. And by attention to the self, I do not mean it in a narcissistic, self-indulgent way.( Self-indulgence in moderation is, by all means, necessary, I dare say)
Self - evaluation according to me is, attempting to answer questions pertaining to the big picture of life; Questions like what is your true purpose in life? Where am I heading? How do I fit into the whole scheme of things? and solving other general philosophical aspects of your humanity, your soul.
The simple fact is that all these answers lie in our subconscious mind; The creative, free spirit in each of us that can give us satisfactory, beautiful answers.( Commonly referred to as "The heart") And we gain access to our subconscious, when we do something that relaxes us, unwinds us. And puts our logical brain( Our "head") in silent mode.
One of those ways is traveling. specifically by motorcycle. You might of course, argue and say "Well, there are plenty of other hobbies one can pursue to achieve the same results, hobbies that take up lesser time, money, and energy". To that I say that you may be partly right, but riding involves so many factors that make it something so much more valuable.
To begin with, it is dynamic. It involves discovering and physically being in awesome places you may have never seen before. It expands your horizons, your perspective, as you meet more and more people, encounter new sights, sounds and smells, you begin to realize the grand scale of life. To our senses, it is nourishment. I cannot stress on this enough. In order to fully realize our connection with this world, we need to explore it. We need to observe and appreciate the varied facets that make our life truly beautiful.
Also, riding puts you out in the elements. There will be situations where you ride through heavy winds, downpours, or immense heat, but the strange thing is, you emerge from the experience loving it! Flat tires, broken clutch cables, losing your way, engine problems and the like, all teach you the art of dealing with them and improvising. They put your personal abilities to the test, and help you evolve as a person, especially rides where you go solo. During a ride, you learn to appreciate your life, especially your comfortable bed when you end up staying an overnight hotel which has a spartan, rock hard one!
Go on a ride. Alone or with other people, it doesn't make a big difference. Even a one day ride will do wonders to how you view your life. Trips on the road also give you and your motorcycle a sense of deep connection, and memories to last a lifetime or more. Try it. I guarantee that you will be hooked to it, and will yearn for the next one. Experience freedom and "live" life by trying out this journey of intense self-discovery. Just make sure that you are safely geared and well prepped with all the essentials you would need on any ride. If you don't own a motorcycle, borrow one, and go with an organized group/club of riders. That's how I started. And never stopped! Well, good luck, and thanks for reading!
Tags :
life, Experience, riding, Self, Philosophy, spiritual, biking