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Member Since:Aug 09, 2013
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Review of the Day (3)
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Iberry Auxus Nuclea N1: SmartPriced SmartPhone!
Reviewed iBerry Auxus Nuclea N1
This is my first ever review on an Android based smartphone. I shall try to cover all the aspects of this phone that I found were really good, and also share Read more...
Lucia: A Surreal Experience
Reviewed Lucia
Disclaimer: I write this review with my honest, personal expression of my individual opinion and overall impressions. First of all, I do know that this is a Read more...
Pulsar 200 NS : A Giant Leap Ahead
Reviewed Bajaj Pulsar 200NS
"Sir, your bike has been delivered to the showroom. You can come collect it today." The worlds most pleasing words to the ears of a biker, my friend, whRead more...
Bajaj Pulsar 220 F DTS-i: F is for Ferocious!
Reviewed Bajaj Pulsar 220 F
When I first heard about the release of the Bajaj Pulsar 220 DTS-Fi, I was not impressed or swayed. The questionable looks of the bike, and the overall brand Read more...
Blender's Pride: A Blended Whisky to be Cherished
Reviewed Blender's Pride
DISCLAIMER: This review is based on my humble opinions and perspective, and purely my experience with the brand. I am NOT a whiskey expert/ skilled taster. JuRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on awonibano's review
Commented on own review
Thank you everyone for the constructive feedback and support. I wrote this review keeping in mind the average Indian buyer and how one would feel while using it. I also took into account the build quality and reliability, and also have addressed the issues regarding this phone and how to improve upo Read More...
To everyone taking the time to stop by, please do rate my review if you found it to be helpful. Its very much appreciated. Constructive criticisms also welcome. Thanks :)
(Updated Nov 11, 2013)
Hi everyone! This being my first blog, I just felt an urge to type out and express my feelings about biking and how it can add immense value to ones life. I can honestly say that I am a changed man after many rides on my faithful Pulsar 220F. So here goes. Think about it. In this busy rat rac Read more...
@ssvikas thank you for stopping by.. Yeah, point noted :) I'm just a beginner at this stuff, so thought of giving it a formal touch.. Cheers :) Thanks @rahul_8456 for checking it out :)
Commented on ssvikas's review
Wow. Very nice read. Thanks for posting. :)
Rated on ssvikas's review
Wow.. I'm really thrilled to receive my second ROD. Thanks to everyone for their support and a big thank you to Mouthshut. :)
Commented on dino777we's review
Well deserved ROTD :) Well thought out and fun to read. :)
@dino777we Excellent, expressive review! :) Loved the details.. Congrats for the ROTD :) Do check out my review on the same :)
rahul_8456 thank you so much for your encouraging feedback. Thanks for stopping by :)
Thank you, maaz_nawaz and Ajay_1977 and for stopping by :) I'm honored :) Thanks everyone :)
Commented on Indian616's review
Hahahaha.. Nice review, in a way quite detailed.. great comic content too :D
Rated on Indian616's review
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