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By: mira.gopal | Posted: Mar 25, 2013 | General | 410 Views

A news article which featured the saree worth 4.33 crores which was given to Goddess Padmavati by an ardent devotee prompted me to write this article. Before I start I want to make one thing clear that I am a believer in supreme power. I go to temples and worship. But at the same time I am dismayed at the way people shower the Gods and Goddess with gifts worth in lacs and crores. Especially in a country where even Rs 1000 can change a human’s life for better. We have people who are struggling to get one meal a day. We have students who are forced to stop their studies because their family cannot afford the education. We have people dying because family cannot afford to pay the medical expenses. We have people who are sleeping in the streets because they cannot afford a house. In short there are enough people in India who cannot afford the basic necessities to lead a dignified life.

When people shower expensive gifts on deities they do so to seek the divine blessings. But pause for a second. Will the deity be more pleased with the expensive saree or a diamond studded crown. Will it not be more pleased if the money used for expensive gifts was better utilized in providing meal for a poor family. Supporting a student’s education. Building a house for the destitute or saving a life by providing medical expenses. Every religious scripture teaches us to serve the humanity. Service the people in need. It says by servicing the people in need we are servicing God.

Do visit temples, do poojas, havans everything as per your faith. But along with God please look into the vast expanse of humanity also that needs help. Along with the offering to God, do some noble offerings to alleviate the suffering of your fellow humans. Understand that if you bring a smile to someone in need today , God will surely bring someone to help you when you are in need irrespective of whether you have showered him with expensive gifts or not.

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