“It is Sunday morning, a long, relaxing day ahead. Though I do not have to go to work today, there is so much to do at home. The next day again is Monday. The dreadful Monday. I wonder why the days when I am free are shorter than the busy ones!”
The thought shared above might have crossed you mind every week or on every other holiday but did you ever take a pause to think why? Why are the days shorter when you are free? On similar lines, I am reminded of a forward message which stresses on the fact that good times don’t last for long. Well, pardon me, I do not agree.
Happiness is often termed as a state of mind. It isn’t only the joy of weekend or a rank, a promotion, there is something more to it. The basic thought being, you need to understand yourself before anything else. Every moment of your life will have a proper meaning if you have a clear goal set for yourself. Imagine engaging in some quality reading or some long pending cleaning work on weekend, it will surely help you look back and pat your back.
The thought I am moving on to is – Having a worthy Free time. Did you ever think of getting paid extra for spending time at home? Well, it might seem to be a rather weird thought isn’t it? But the truth is, as a person, we will never waste a single minute of our time if we know we are paid for it.
Time can be measured/ compared to Rupees when you are at work but the time you spend on weekend is certainly Dollars! This thought clearly conveys the idea behind how valuable your free time is.
But now the question is, how can one manage the time so effectively? How can one have a valuable weekend, holiday or vacation?
The answer to this is simple, do you value yourself more than your firm? Yes of course! If you think your firm values you, you are mistaken; it only values your work! The fact that you have managed to read so far proves that you value yourself.
In that case ask yourself - why are you wasting Dollars? One more important question is How can you save Dollars? But before I move on to the latter let me help you answer the former.
Why are you wasting Dollars?
If you have lost the track of what Dollars mean in this context, let me reiterate, Dollars here is your valuable free time, it can also mean the time you spend on your holiday!
“Well, are you nuts? I have been working like a donkey all throughout the weekend and you want me to work even on holidays? Don’t you think I would like to take my mind off all the burdens I am levied with? I need a Break, it isn’t that simple to understand?”
‘Well, I certainly understand! But what plans do you have?’
“Plans? Are you kidding me? Do we plan for weekend? Especially when I will be in the city all throughout? May be my friend will come over. I might go out with them, we love roaming in the malls, window shopping you see. We may as well catch up with the movie in the multiplex!”
Well, the person above is blinded by the weekend and holiday factor! Are you one of them? In that case, did you ever prioritize your desires?
Prioritize Your Desires? It sounds Greek, doesn’t it? Let me simply this phrase. The firms in which you work have a set agenda, a goal and you are their instrument in achieving it. Their goal isn’t to make you successful! You need to take the responsibility of your success, no one else will!
It isn’t wrong to have fun but fun at whose expense? Your own! You are spending Dollars while you are earning in rupees! I do not say it is wrong to have fun but then – Balance is the key! Balance your time well and make sure you have fun too!
Thanks for Reading.