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By: confusedsoul | Posted: Feb 13, 2014 | Direct Dil Se | 1146 Views (Updated Feb 13, 2014)

For someone whose daily life includes atleast 40-50km of travel in public transport, traveling becomes strenuous but sure the joy is different of being in an Indian Government sponsored transport system. Ah! the hassles, but yeah the sheer joy is different.

One incident to quote here from my experience in the past month would be a long 40 km ride to somewhere in the new city. One very common thing is that there is always standing space available on any city transport system. I somehow manage to never find a seat from the alighting point. But yeah finally I did find a seat after a while, after pushing and nudging through a few people for that one sole seat at the back of the bus.

Ah! the battle won. yeah it might seem so. Finally a place to rest the tiresome legs, but really where does the luxury really lie when u eventually end up being the pillow for a fellow commuter! The girl next to me takes no pain in making sure she is very comfortable in her sleep all through the journey making sure that I was a best propsect of a pillow and resting her whole head on my fat shoulders. No issues as such leaning your shoulder on a stranger.

This is a typcial bus journey. The sheer joy of a being on an Indian transport system. Trust the sleepy head to had slept well all journey! Ofcourse she had a very fat pillow all journey. Well . why bother . Ah . there is my favorite song on my new radio phone. The joy that technology has brought to my life.what a day I had. hmmm . being called fat again . when am I gonna lose those extra pounds.when will I ever stop eating Pizzas and Burgers . Ah the west has ruined me. Coming back to Pizzas . Ah today's party was good. Wish my friend had more occasions like this to celebrate in her life like this. May she be blessed with more children so

that everytime we end up having a Pizza party! Ah lovely pizzas . a new song.

Hey why is this sleepy woman leaning on me.?

So what is the lesson learnt through all this: To remember that when you are fat, never sit beside a prospective sleepy neighbour. You pretty much will end up serving as a good pillow.

U read that . that was the fat girl's version of things.

Lets get to the other side. The sleepy girl . the dear neighbour.

Sleepy girl's version of events:

Ah! finally a seat. and voila what is this.a very fat girl next to me. Ah where will I find the space beside her on the seat. Oh no! No other seats left in the bus. But who cares, I won't find a space if I don't sit down. . going back to my thoughts.

What a day I had. Working through my bosses constant nagging about my performance and the constant mails to get work done, and cribbing cubicle neighbours about the work load and the Indian tax system! Phew! what a day. Ah! this seat is not bad after all. The fat girl next to me seems lost on her new Radio Phone and its not that bad after all.

Yaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwnnnnnnnnnn. hmm . what a day . the bus rocking side to side. My thoughts wandering to the cute boy in the next cubicle. He wore a nice blue tie today, wonder why men look cute with a tie? What happened to people looking hot in jeans and T's. But got to say that he was cute and wow! what a smile. and my damn boss, how come she scold him! He is the sweetest thing on the planet. The closest thing to bring a smile to my face everyday and every moment. Hmm. wish I could ask him out for a movie. What if he turns me down. .

Thoughts interrupted by the fat girl next to me trying to make herself comfortable.

Hey what is with being fat. wonder how she goes about her life, being teased about being fat. hmmm . she must feel devastated. Well she doesn't seem to be happy right now. must be something bothering her . she sure seems lost in her thoughts.


Well I am sure she wont mind if I lean on her. She doesn't seem to be that intimidating. I could catch a quick nap before I reach home. Hmmmm.

Hey this fat girl is too much. she cant sit right. she has got to stop nudging.

where was I. ah yeah the cute boy. wow . He is good. smiles. his smile.his smile.smiless. leaning on the fat guy. smilesssss.zzzzz.

leaning on the fat girl. zzzzz.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.zzzzzzzzzzz

So what is the lesson learnt through all this:

Got to sit beside a fat girl next time on the bus.

Back to reality:

Hmmm. I could be the fat girl or I could be the sleepy girl. Doesn't make a difference. Life goes on. They cover the distance. They met, they sat, slept, they went different ways. Things went smooth. The fat girl listened to her music, the sleepy girl slept with her dreams of the next-cubicle-cute hottie.

Ah yes. we have covered the 40KM journey. Destination reached, mission accomplished and Life goes on.

A lesson never learnt:

It doesn't matter being a pillow sometimes, you could be doing the same someday.

It doesn't take a lot to be unselfish and share that song on the radio or let the girl beside you sleep on your shoulder and it doesn't take much to share your seat with a fat girl or let her lean on you as well!

"Love thy neighbour as you love thyself!"

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