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By: SRNAIR | Posted: Apr 20, 2010 | General | 560 Views


A few drops of precious merciful rain

Give hopes of a benevolent deluge,

Filling arid minds with escalating hope;

Myriad speculations brighten minds

With promises of plentiful possibilities,

Change and prosperity immeasurable.

This is how our human mind works:

First sign of hope signals optimism,

Pleasing imagination, fueling expectation;

Greening our parched fields ere harvest!

Heavenly music is first conceived in mind

Ere the first chord is evolved by fingers

On the violin, stirring concords of melody

In listeners thirsting for a lilting rhapsody.

Stirring winds bring earthy scent of rain

Falling miles away, cooling fevered brows,

Lifting spirits from under cynical carpets,

Thrilling more than the deluge that follows,

Taken for granted once released torrentially.

Promises look sweeter than actual fulfillment!

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