We do not talk of death lightly. It is regarded as tasteless, ill mannered and depressing. But it is an essential fact of life, which makes no exception, as it comes to all. (Khushwant Singh - Death At My Door Step).
Vacations to me is full of fun, meeting old friends, family members, visiting places and doing everything that can bring pleasure to me and my family.
But sometimes in between fun there are some unexpected issues that one has to attend, which he wish were not happening.
I went through something similar during this vacations.
14th April 2009, I was in my hometown at my place with two of my friends. When suddenly Amarjeet (one of them) asked me, if I know anything about our friend Ravinder. I had no news about him and was shocked to know that he was suffering with mouth cancer and according to the doctors he was in his last days. Maximum 2 months of life left in him.
15th April 2009, my birthday. Around 4 pm I got a call from Amarjeet that our friend was no more. The news was that next day at 10 in the morning, he will be taken to shamshan ghat. Almost all our friends were present to pay our last respect to him. We wanted to discuss but everyone was searching proper words and we could not speak. Just silent. Who said silence is golden? Its scary at times. Trust me.
At times I think of those days we spent together, played cricket, argued on baseless issues, made fun of each other, discussed our dreams for our children, etc. And now, they are just memories.
I am not a poet but have tried to write something, which I want to share with you all. It might not have the poetic touch, but I am sure this will convey what I wanted to.
Jiska aana kisi ko nahin bhaata hai
Jiske naam se har insaan sihar jaata hai
Magar afsos ki ye har kisi ka haasil hai
Yeh kuch aur nahin hamari aakhri manzil hai
Kya baadshah, kya fakir
Kya garib, kya amir
Kya buzurg, kya jawaan
Kya sant, kya shaitaan
Unke raastey bhale hi juda ho
Magar hai ek hi mukaam
Wohi aakhri manzil